T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 893 people are both figures on the same crazy patchwork. F rom bareness to bomb throw ing th e re are many degrees of latitude, b u t th e Gulf Stream flows from the E qu ato r to th e Arctic. . _ . . , .. . In. such sporadic outbreaks as the W innipeg revolt, the Chicago riots, the prom iscuous bomb-throwing a t leading citizens in th e United States, the S atu r n alia of th e dregs of th e hum an race in unpoliced Liverpool, th e general strik e situation th a t th rea ten s to paralyze England, we see th e economic peril th a t springs from th is general world sp irit of unrest, dissatisfaction and dislike for all form er restrain ts. As th e cost of living goes up the price of hum an life goes down. The same sp irit perm eates no t only popular tastes, b u t even popular decencies and morals. Los Angeles stands high among th e cities of th e world. Our citizenship has been bu ilt up of the best m aterials. Yet in our own city the other day twenty- eight divorce suits were filed, as against twenty-five m arriage licenses issued. Such figures h ard ly need comment; they speak for themselves. B u t when the lu st for divorce has exceeded th e love of m arriage, even m so highly respected a community as Los Angeles— and when such a breakdown of man s holiest insti tu tion can be passed over w ithout a ripple of comment— m ust we not adm it th a t th e “ public-be-damned” sp irit of these near-peace days is jeopardizing something even more v ital th a n the liberty of th e American people— the sanctity of th e American home? But th e ho rro rs of th e vilest w ar ever inflicted on suffering hum anity have trie d th e world’s soul to th e lim it of endurance. The reaction has been violent. Human n atu re is passing th rough a spasm of protest. Hence rio ts and extrava gance and immodesty and jazz music and shimm ie dances are a seething wash of unrest. But th e spasm will no t tu rn into convulsions. The whole hum an race will not consent to its own exterm ination. Is hum anity going on th e rocks? I t seems to be— th e m argin of safety a t tim es appears to be cu t down to a recklessly-fine line. The ship is passing through stormy seas, steering closer th a n caution w arran ts to the reefs. And malcon ten ts in th e fo’c’sle are try ing to unsteady th e hand of th e pilot. The article closes with the statement that humanity will weather the storm. This is a logical conclusion for a man without a Bible, but for the man with the Book in his hand, this editorial sounds like the death sen tence of humanity.' At any rate it must be a bitter pill for the evolutionists to swallow.—T. C. H. T H E LACK of Leaders There is a lack of leadership in the Church—leaders who will stand in defense of the whole Bible, and leaders who will aggressively attack the enemies of the Bible. The devil has always used subtle, underhanded, plausi ble men and methods. The devil is a soothsayer, and so are his followers. Have you ever noticed how oily are the tongues of the higher critics, how sweet and heavenly is their attitude, what soft speeches they make, how charming is their demeanor, how the very elect are persuaded by them into believing that black is white? These are the most dangerous of all the enemies of the Lord and His church. For instance they acknowledge that the Lord accredited Moses’ authorship of the Pentateuch—but explain this in one of two ways: either that the Lord knew that the Jews believed that Moses was the author and did not want to disturb their faith and thus accommodated Himself to their error of belief; or else that the Lord Hun- self did not know the difference, being Himself unacquainted with the facts now so fully known by these learned men! And the rank and file of the
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