King's Business - 1919-10

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


la st atom of self confidence is gone and w ith it all though t of self display. Noth­ ing h u t simple faith is left in th e cry, “ Lord save.”— Expos. Bible. T h at faith , feeble though it was, trium phed. Real tru s t is real power though th e h ea rt and hand be feeble.— Babcock. L et me give you P ete r’s picture w ith his eyes on Jesus. P stand s for power, E for eager, T for tru stfu l, E for effec­ tu al, and R for rejoicing. But P eter w ith his eyes on th e waves is a differ­ en t picture. P stand s for powerless, E fo r exhausted, T for trem bling, E for empty, and R for ruined.— McNeill. But sinking tim es are praying times.— Sel. v. 31. Jesu s stretched fo rth hand. There can be no faith so feeble th a t Christ does not respond to it.— Mac- laren. C aught him . The doctrine of the final perseverance of the saints per­ ished th a t day in th e sea. It is Jesu s’ perseverance, no t ours, th a t makes us safe.— Scott. W herefore d id st thou doub t? P eter could say nothing. Doubt has nothing to say for itself.— McNeill. W ilt thou never- learn th a t Jesus has even th e least of His little boats always under H is w atchful eye and all the w inds and waves obey H im?— Cuyler. v. 33. Thou a r t th e Son of God. The first tim e in the Gospels th a t th is title is applied to Jesu s by men.— Dummelow. There was not a U nitarian le ft in the crowd. The sure cure for U nitarianism is to be helpless on a storm y sea and th en see Jesus w alking on th e w aters and coming to save.—- McNeill. Help in a Storm . Matt. 14:22-33. - Memory Verse: Jesu s spake unto them , saying, “ Be of good cheer; it is I; be no t afraid .” Matt. 14:27. Approach: Were any of you boys and girls ever ou t in a boat in a big storm and the wind blew and th e waves dashed high around th e boat and some­

tim es t h e w ater splashed so high


th a t some of it came Mabel L. M errill over in th e boat? W ere you ju st a lit­ tle b it scared? I t is not very pleasant and I th in k most of us would ra th e r be on land in our home in a storm . Would you like to h ear about some men who were out on th e sea in a big storm , and it is a tru e story, for all th e stories we have in Sunday School are from th e Bible, and they are tru e stories, and we always love to hear the true, stories? P rayer. Lesson S tory: The tim e th a t our story begins was a t th e close of a very busy day for Jesus and His disciples. They were down near the seashore and g reat crowds of people had been th rong ­ ing about H im all day, and He had \ healed m any 6f those who were sick among them and had fed them and now it was tim e for them to go to th eir homes before the n igh t came on. Jesus asked His disciples to get into a boat and cross over to the o ther side of the sea and He would come later. The dis­ ciples did not w ant to go a t first for they wanted to w ait for Jesus, and we know how nice it would have been to w ait and have Jesus go w ith them , b u t they went because Jesus had asked them to go on ahead of Him. A fter they went away in the boat Jesus told th e crowds of people th a t it was now tim e for them to go home, and when the people were gone, Jesus went up on th e mountain alone to pray. He was tired and had had a hard day and He w anted to ta lk things over w ith God His Heavenly F ath e r. Do you th ink He could see th e disciples out in th e boat on the sea? Yes indeed, He could, and w hat do you th in k was happening to the.disciples in th e boat? This is w hat Jesus saw as He looked ou t over the sea. He saw a g reat storm , th e waves were dashing high, and th e disciples were row ing ju st as h ard as they could and trying

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