disciples felt when they knew it was Jesus? Of course they were very happy and were no t frightened any more. You see th e disciples w ent ou t in th e boat because Jesu s had asked them to go, and He helped them in th e storm , and we w ant to rem ember these words in our memory verse, for if we love Jesus, they are fo r us ju st as much as they were for those disciples, and when we are in trouble or afraid, let us ask Jesus to help us too. When we get up to heaven we can ask Jesu s and th e dis ciples to tell us all about th a t dark n igh t in th e boat on th e storm y sea. Closing P ra y er: Our dear Heavenly F a th e r we th a n k Thee for Thy loving care over us, and help us to tru s t Jesus every day. Mt, M AN ITALIAN BOSS F a th e r O’Hanlon, of Dubuque, was passing down th e stre e t when he no ticed one of his parishioners digging in a trench, while a little way off stood a sw arthy superintendent. “Well, P a t,” said his reverence, “ how do you like having an Italian boss?” P a t looked up, and, mopping his brow, replied: “F aith , father, how do you loike hav in ’ one y erself?”
to get th e boat to land, b u t they could no t m ake any headway and th e little boat was being tossed about on th e waves ancLwas nearly tipping over, and it was n igh t and th e wind was blowing so hard they could no t do anything w ith th e boat, and of course they were frightened. You know it was a p retty bad storm to scare these men who had been fishermen and were used to being on th e w ater in storm s. W h at do you th in k th e disciples were w ishing about th is tim e? Yes Charles, I th in k they were w ishing Jesus was w ith them . When Jesus looked out from th e moun ta in and saw the trouble the disciples were in, w hat do you th ink He did? He w ent to them . Yes, He did, b u t th e re was no o ther boat, and how did He go? He walked on th e w ater, and it was n igh t and th e disciples could not see un til He got p retty close to them , and then they saw something coming tow ard them on th e w ater and they were greatly frightened and cried for fear. Jesus loved th e disciples and did no t w an t to frigh ten them , and He spoke to them rig h t away, and listen and I will te ll you th e very words He said, and then you will say them afte r me: “ Be of good cheer; it is I; be no t afraid .” How do you th in k the
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