King's Business - 1919-10


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

church not being instructed in the Word of God, easily fait into the pit pre­ pared for them, and without knowing it, dishonor their Lord, fall a prey to Satan’s snare and join the ranks of the infidels. The false leaders in the Church are adroit; they tell the poor sheep that, being unlettered, théy do not know how to interpret the Word of God nor what they need from the Bible, and so they prepare a “ Shorter Bible’5 for them. These false prophets talk eloquently about the “ new age” and about the “ new; period”,; about “ reconstruction” and try to delude the people into believing that we are entering upon an age of wonderful spiritual advancément, by the use of moving pictures and lectures on “ social prog­ ress” and “ sociology.” ■ Wb need men with hearts full of love for the Lord and compassion for the lost, who can hold the Word of God in their hands and challenge its enemies to combat; men who ¿re not afraid of thé face of men, and who are prepared to stand like stalwarts in defense and proclamation of ¿ “ Thus saith the Lord.” Thank God we have some, with brains and brawn of the highest character, but, alas, there are so many of those Who do believe in the verities of the Word, who are afraid to stand and strike like real Sol­ diers in this time of danger and desperate need of the Church and the World.—T. C. H. H M. ' T H E EVANGEL IST IC Appeal of The Second Coming Adventists assert th a t all g reat evangelists hold th e ir views b u t fail to point to one g reat revival th a t was b rough t about by th e preaching of th is doc­ trin e .”— Rev. Lawrence Keister. D.D. The above is a quotation that has been widely copied by Post-Millen- narian papers. This sh-ealled assertion may easily be justified by simply repeating the names of Moody, Torrey, Chapman, Biederwolf, Di^on, Sun­ day, etc. The revivals which these gifted men of God have carried on were

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