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p resen t many choice nuggets no t found in o th er sim ilar w ritings. We would h ea rtily recommend th is work, believ ing th a t too much of th is kind of ma te rial cannot be p u t into circulation in these times. Mr. Hogg in his article on “ Chris tia n ity ,” says: “W hat is Christianity? No, b etter definition can be provided th a n th a t of a recen t w riter: “ Chris tia n ity is Christ.” I t is the religion of a Person, th e only religion in the world called by those who profess it afte r the name of its founder. The followers of Mohammed do not call themselves Mo hammedans, nor do th e people whom we call Buddhists so describe them selves. These religions can be disso ciated from th e persons who founded them ; Christianity is inconceivable a p a rt from Christ. “Ch ristian ity claims to he th e abso lu te religion because it is the only re vealed religion. Elsewhere men grope in th e d ark ; they “ seek God if haply they m ight feel a fte r Him and find H im” h u t in Christianity, God reveals Him self for th e enlightenm ent and salva tion of' men, and so doing, exhibits to th e universe an aspect of His character otherw ise undisplayed. The glory of His majesty, wisdom and power is seen in His works, th e glory of His rig h t eousness in H is retribu tiv e acts, h u t th e glory of H is grace and love is seen in Christ. “Christianity, in th e n a tu re of th e case is an in to le ra n t religion. It can not agree to settle down w ith and to share th e life of any o ther faith. I t is essentially aggressive, made so alike, by its own inh eren t v itality and by the explicit command of Christ th a t those who bear His name should preach His gospel to all men, regardless of the boundaries of race and nation. Now where intolerance is linked w ith power, th e resu lt is ty ranny and history w it nesses th a t no ty ranny devastates hu man lives as religious ty ranny does. For, while the political or social ty ran t may claim th e disposal of. men in this life, th e religious ty ra n t claims to dis pose of them in th e next life as well. But Christianity is never tyrannical, for
T H E GOOD D E PO S IT This title tak en from 2 Tim. 1:14 R. Y. is attached to a new hook recently issued by P ickering and Inglis, Glas gow. i It Contains a re-statem en t of some of th e more im po rtan t Christian doctrines, in concise articles by leading English Bible au tho rities, and is said to he th e first of a series of sim ilar handbooks about to be issued, covering all the essential doctrines: The m ater ial is somewhat like in ch aracter to th a t contained in th e American publi cation known as “The F und am en tals” which a few years ago were sent ou t in twelve paper volumes to thousands of Christian w orkers, th rough the gener osity of two unnam ed C hristian laymen. The new work is edited by C. F. Hogg and W. E. Vine, two well-known au th ors, and o ther w riters in th e first vol ume are Geo. F . Trench, Geo. Good man, W. iff. B ennett and Wm. Hoste, all very careful w riters. The subjects cov ered are th e new b irth , Christianity, How th e world was prepared for th e Gospel, The historic Christ, Sin, The Déath of Christ, The person of Christ, the resu rrection of Christ, The scrip tu res and how to u se them , Christian baptism , The pérson and work of the Holy Spirit, Law and Grace. All are w ritten in th e most refresh ing way and (Concluded from preceding page) no t only by w hat we do, b u t by w h at we do no t do. One of th e strongest argu ments for coming to Christ lies in th e influence such an act has on others, constraining them to follow its exam ple. Many a one who has no t fe lt es pecially concerned abou t himself, al though adm itting th e call of duty, has publicly confessed Christ, for th e sake of seeing others who are looking to him for guidance, do the same. This is a noble, unselfish motive to act upon and m ust appeal w ith g rea t power to a though tfu l m ind. P erd ition may he doubly em bittered by th e though t th a t one is responsible for others being there beside himself. Luke 16:28. Eph. 2:8. “F o r by grace are ye saved th ro u g h faith .”
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