King's Business - 1919-10

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


lief in Christ’s imm inent and personal second coming. As one reads over these fam iliar names, they are impressed w ith the fact th a t th is belief has been characteristic of most of th e m ighty men of God who have made things move in th e church, and they find th a t in holding th is belief, they are in th e very best of intellectual and sp iritu al com­ pany. Mr. H orton closes w ith th is p ara­ g raph: “To be a p re-m illennialist is to be in fu ll accord w ith God, th e F ath e r, who longs for th e m arriage of His Son to His w aiting Bride, the Church; w ith th e Holy Sp irit who longs to present the Bride to th e Bride­ groom ; w ith Jesu s Christ our Lord, who has said: “Behold I come quickly” ; w ith the. saints in glory who w ait for th e ir glorified bodies; and w ith all th e hosts of heaven, whose one desire is for the coming of th e great, glad, glorious day prophesied in th e old dispensation and in the new. Every tru e believer in the Word of God and lover of th e Lord Jesus Christ, should have a h e a rt th a t is constantly saying: “Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly.” This book, which can be obtained of Biola Book Room for 15c, should be in the hands of all pre-m illennialists and should be given a wide circulation among .those who ridicule th e doctrine and say, “Where is th e prom ise of His com ing?” CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND THE WORD OF GOD One of th e hand iest works th a t has been p u t ou t for use in dealing w ith Christian Science, is th is new edition of a pocket-size booklet by F ra n k lin W. Huling, ju st issued by The Bible In sti­ tu te Press. The booklet sets fo rth quo­ tations, w ith page references, from Mrs. E ddy’s w ritings, in p arallel columns w ith S cripture quotations showing the fallacy of th e statem ents. Mrs. Eddy’s teachings in reg ard to the Bible, God, C h rist’s person and w ork; The Holy Sp irit; creation of man, fall of man; sin; judgm en t; d eath ; sickness; prayer; m arriage; divorce, etc., are all brought into the ligh t of Scripture. The work was form erly published as a 5c tra c t bu t has now been enlarged and p u t up in sub stan tial form to be carried in th e pocket for dealing w ith C hristian Scientists. The price is only 10 cents. In a new opening chapter, entitled: “C hristian Science Explained,” Mr.

th e reason th a t it is never linked w ith world power, and by th is indeed, the tru e is distinguishable from the false, which is often found allied w ith th e powers of th is age. Christ respected th e will and choice of men, never forcing them to do righ t, bu t always appealing to them to receive His message and to follow His example. Where they refused, He left them to th e ir own course and to th e inevitable consequences. The in­ tolerance of tru e Christianity is the intolerance of love, th a t respects th e freedom of all and yet th a t cannot cease its urgings while men bring destruction upon them selves by refusing to ack­ nowledge th e claims of Christ, and th a t cannot cease its m issionary propaganda while th ere rem ains any who have not heard H is nam e.” THESE PRE-MELLENNIALISTS— WHO ARE THEY? How does th a t sound for the title of a book? I t is a neat booklet of 32 pages th a t will be in g reat demand by pre-m illennialists everywhere, ju s t is­ sued by the Bible In stitu te press. The w riter, Rev. T. C. Horton, superinten­ den t of the Bible In stitu te, proceeds in pointed language to present th e facts, puncture the falsehoods and produce th e fam iliar names. He shows th a t the literal, personal, pre-m illennial re tu rn of th e Lord Jesus has ever been the hope of th e Church of God from, the days of the Apostles down to our day. Many post-m illennialists have been con­ stan tly seeking to belittle th e pre-m il­ lennialists by claim ing th a t those who hold to th e literal view of Christ’s com- ing are composed of a few insignificant preachers and teachers; th a t th is doc­ trin e is dangerous and th a t its effect is to paralyze m issionary effort. They have succeeded in brow-beating some tim id believers in th e Scriptures into thinking th ey were in very poor com­ pany. Mr. H orton sta rts out w ith the ancient historians to show th a t th e be­ lief was th e universal belief of the early church, giving quotations from many. He then tak es th e testim ony of th e early church fath ers, then gives us testimonies from th e reform ers and m arty rs and th en proceeds w ith quota­ tions from th e best known commenta­ tors, theologians and w riters. The bal­ ance of the booklet is given to a list of world renowned church d ignitaries and m inisters, church educators and Bible teachers, m issionaries and evan­ gelists, all of whom affirmed th e ir be­

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