King's Business - 1919-10

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Dr. R. A. Torrey, says: “1 feel th a t every m inister and Christian Worker should obtain a copy.” NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION HELPS ON THE PAGE WHERE NEEDED Bible Sent Anywhere ORDER TODAY! We are the only Society offering this Scofield Reference Bible on monthly pay­ m ent plan. SEND FOR CATALOGUE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY 433 South Dearborn Street, Dept 3, CHICAGO, ILL. Delivered for $1.00 And easy payments of One Dollar per month Order by Number Cut out and mall today 433 So. Dearborn St., Dept. 3, Chicago, III. As per your offer please ship me Scofield Bible Number....___________ _Price $...______ _________ I am enclosing $1.00 with this order and promise to pay $1.00 each month until paid in full. Name .............___ ________ ___________ — — ........— National Educational Society, K.B.


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