H O W T O MEET M OD ERN “ISMS” ( The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Issues a Correspondence Course 3 j Equipping Students Along this Line, j ' :
Personal Evangelism and Practical, Work by Rev. T. C. Horton
This course gives in addition to the'above a thorough instruc tion in personal work and considerable doctrinal study. The student is1afforded a personal ’toiich by correspondence with Dr. Horton Who answers all questions concerning the course. Cost of course, ONLY' $3.00.
The N e tf “ S U M M A R I Z E D B I B L E ” Two Volumes— O ld and New Testam ents T h ’s w ° rk by K eith L.: B rooks, ju st off th e press, will b e w elcom ed u d - li stu^ eh ts everyw here. Gives a sum m ary of each b o o k of th e Bible an d a sum m ary of eaich c h ap ter, gives in b rief th e co n ten ts of each c h ap ter, th e c h ara cte rs, th e key w ord, th e sp iritu al lesson of the w hole .chapter an d strik in g p o in ts a b o u t Jesus C hrist, list of m em ory verses. V aluable fo r class w o rk o r a n aid to daily devo- tions. T h e P rice of th e Tw o V olum es is $1.2 5 . F o r Five full y e a r S ubscriptions, th ey will be sen t po stp aid to y o u r address. Both O ld and New Testam ents bound in one Volume, cloth, with gold lettering, for SIX NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS W rite names and addresses clearly. TH E KING’S BUSINESS
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