Lessons shared by Melaleuca’s leading Marketing Executives
Melaleuca events are where our leaders come together to share their latest insights and best practices. Look to this series to see excerpts from past events.
• “Would you be open if I showed you what I’m doing?” • “Has anyone ever shared Melaleuca with you?” • “Has anyone ever taught you about repeat income?” • “When would you have time this week?” • “What day works best for you?” • “I’d love to book an appointment with you.” You can’t just teach your team Critical Activities 1 and 2 and not teach them how to ask questions. They’ll just stare at the names on the page, and those names are never going to get helped by Melaleuca because your team didn’t understand the steps. You have to teach your team the little skills and help them master them. The time is now. Take action. Be brave. Make the appointment and be professional.
“We are professionals, and we book appointments.” That’s a skill they can take anywhere. And it’s a skill they can use anywhere, whether belly to belly or on social media. Teach Enrolling Questions Never forget that it’s all about helping others. People are not going to remember the size of your checks. They’re going to remember how you made them feel and the value that you added to their life. I’m not going to give you the exact words you’ll use in your approach because it needs to be what’s in your heart and what adds value to that person, but I want you to get comfortable asking the enrolling questions at the end—and teaching your team to ask the questions. These are some of the approaches and appointment questions that I use: • “Hey, are you open to taking a look?”
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