significant repeat income cost millions of dollars. So, in some instances, the extremely wealthy might have repeat income opportunities. But for the average guy, opportunity for repeat income is extremely hard to find. Over the past several years, we have completed some extensive analysis on a large number of income opportunities. Following that investigation, we came to the final conclusion that true repeat income, for the average person who is not already independently wealthy, simply does not exist except for inventors who have an exceptional, marketable, patented invention from which they receive royalties—and at Melaleuca! That pretty much narrows it down!
Of course, this income is completely in proportion to the energy invested; but for the serious business builder, Melaleuca appears to be unmatched. For example, Elizabeth Lindbergh enrolled 36 years ago when she was 65 years old. When she left this earth just a few months ago she was 101 years old. Even after 36 years, her stream of repeat income continued to the very end. She received a check every single month from the first month of her enrollment to the last day of her life. Our commitment is to build Melaleuca in such a manner that it will continue to produce repeat income for generations to come. We are constantly searching for new, innovative, health- promoting products. We will continue to be at the forefront of the latest science and proven discoveries relating to good health. Some Marketing Executives are earning hundreds of dollars per month, some are earning thousands, some tens of thousands, and a few are earning hundreds of thousands per month. And it’s all repeat income! That means it will continue to come in month after month for decades to come. Nothing comes close to Melaleuca in providing true repeat income. We will continue to protect what we have and constantly strive to make it better for everyone. Thanks for being part of this wonderful journey!
And patents only last for 15 to 20 years, depending on the type of patent. Yet repeat income from Melaleuca can last for decades!
Some insurance companies used to offer their agents a form of repeat income, but that seems to no longer be the case. So Melaleuca appears to now stand alone as a provider for repeat income opportunity for the average person. Melaleuca’s serious Marketing Executives receive repeat income not only from the purchases of their personal customers but also on the revenue created from a substantial pool of their customers’ referrals. Because their customers purchase Melaleuca products month after month, that creates a repeat stream of income that appears to be unmatched anywhere in the world. With just a little consistent effort and nurturing, anyone can keep their Melaleuca business prospering and producing revenue well into their later years of life.
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