PREVFinLit1 - IG (80p Protected Preview)



My plan for self improvement: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Build a network  Join clubs and associations. In addition to some great friendships, you’ll make plenty of contacts which may prove valuable later. Friends share career information. Friends make trusted recommendations for jobs. Friends become clients, customers, and partners. Build and maintain a wide network of respectable, trustworthy, and lifelong friends.  In high school, build a relationship with a teacher, coach, or counselor. You will need their recommendation for college. When in college, build a relationship with a professor. You’ll need their recommendation for an internship, job, or grad school.  Help out your parents. The more tasks you take off their hands, the more time they will have to help you reach your goals and add value to you. They are an essential part of your non-material wealth building network. Walk the dog, clean the kitchen, run to the market for your mom, wash the car, turn off the lights and TV when not using them. Lighten their load. My plan for building a network: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Be Financially Literate  Read The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy , and work hard in this class.  Study wealth-building tools and strategies. Prepare for two jobs: one is your day-to-day job which earns income; your other job is to build wealth with the income you earn by saving, investing, avoiding debt, making smart financial decisions, and building your financial literacy.  Watch or follow the financial news daily.  Avoid debt. PRODUCT PREVIEW

Lesson 6 | Crusaders, Unpleasant Peasants & Mobsters 100

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