L E S S O N 8 Commerce = the Sum of Many Parts
Time to Teach
Workbook This lesson corresponds to The 21st Century Student's Guide to Financial Literacy, student workbook, Chapter 8. Suggested Videos and Additional Resources • Euronews, Clusters: Powerful Engine of Economic Development in Europe - Business Planet ( (3:13) • (Contains multiple videos and podcasts of World Economic Forum Presentations) PRODUCT PREVIEW What Does That Mean? Term Definition Materials List Computer/smartboard Webslides (
Link to highly recommended videos organized by lesson at you-tube-lesson-links/
a group of enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product such as the airline industry or the healthcare industry. a branch of geography that studies where industries develop and why they develop in those locations. GICS ® ; a classification system used in the financial world which breaks businesses into sectors, industry groups, industries, and sub-industries. an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or a related product or service. the smallest classification of businesses in the GICS ® system; an industry which forms a part of a larger industry. specific industries which develop and become concentrated in a particular geographical area; a business ecosystem.
economic geography
Global Industry Classification Standards
industry clusters
Lesson 8 | Commerce = the Sum of Many Parts 126
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