PREVFinLit1 - IG (80p Protected Preview)


Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson the student will be able to: 1. Relate innovation to economic growth and prosperity. 2. Analyze the traits of an innovator. 3. Explore whether they have the traits of an innovator. 4. Create a plan to develop associational thinking skills .


Gaining Attention Go to Slide 9F or write these words on the board:


Innovation Invention Engage students in a discussion: Are “innovation” and “invention” the same things? PRODUCT PREVIEW Communicating Objectives By the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to relate innovation to economic growth and prosperity, analyze the traits of an innovator , and explore your personal traits to see if you have what it takes to be an innovator. You will also plan how to develop your associational thinking skills , which is a way of thinking that inspires innovation. Presentation of Content Invention is the creation of a product or introduction of a process for the first time . Innovation is when someone improves on or makes a significant contribution or advancement to an existing product, technology, process, or service. New inventions can be, and often are, applied to existing products to improve or advance them . That is innovation. Take the light bulb, for example. Years after Edison invented the light bulb, Lewis Latimer a member of Edison’s research team, invented a carbon filament which was used to improve and advance Edison’s original design . Edison’s design was further improved by Willis R. Whitney who invented a treatment for the filament so that it wouldn’t darken the inside of the bulb as it glowed. It was even further improved by William Coolidge who invented a tungsten filament which lasted longer than the old filament. Latimer, Whitney, and Coolidge, while inventors of things in their own right, were also innovators because they improved on or made a significant contribution or advancement to an existing product . Another classic example of innovation is the iPod. It was not even close to being the first portable music device. Steve Jobs of Apple Inc., improved on old portable music devices in ways that the original inventor could never have imagined! Invention – that is coming up with a new product or process which never previously existed in any form happens, but is more rare than innovation. SLIDE 9H

Lesson 9 | The Trait to Innovate 156

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