PREVFinLit1 - IG (80p Protected Preview)


trade secret

financial, business, scientific, technical, economic, or engineering information that companies keep secret to give them an advantage over their competitors; also called corporate espionage; a form of spying conducted for commercial gain.

industrial espionage elicitation techniques

conversation techniques aimed at discreetly gathering confidential information. social media marketing SMM; the process of attracting traffic to a website through the use of social media sites.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

CBP; Department of Homeland Security agency responsible for inspecting shipping containers for counterfeit products. combination of visual, auditory, and other sensory components that create recognition of a product or service.

brand identity

brick and mortar site

physical location of a business.

Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson the student will be able to: 1. Give three examples of businesses and government agencies interacting to promote commerce and innovation. 2. Navigate the path of a product from idea to consumer. PRODUCT PREVIEW 3. Summarize the impact of industrial espionage on innovation. 4. Identify techniques used by industrial spies to steal trade secrets. 5. Collaborate with a team on a mock R&D exercise. Gaining Attention Innovation is amazing. Every product and system we use and rely on to make our lives better originated as an idea in someone’s brain. Lasers, satellites, drugs targeting specific diseases, 3D printers… Engage students in a discussion: What are your choices for the most amazing, mindboggling inventions? Every inventor and innovator faces the same challenge: converting their idea into a fully developed, operational, marketable, and profitable product or system. How is this accomplished? Communicating Objectives By the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to provide three examples of businesses and government agencies interacting to promote commerce. You will navigate a product’s path from idea to an actual consumable product. You will also be able to explain what industrial espionage is and its effect on innovation. You will identify some techniques industrial spies use to steal trade secrets, and collaborate with an innovation team on an R&D exercise. SLIDE 11G SLIDE 11F

Lesson 11 | You’re the Entrepreneur 192

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