D The numbers next to the arrow indicate the average price change in dollars of the stocks in that index. E The percentage indicates the percentage of change from the last calculation, which is updated in real time. In the example above, the stocks in the DJIA were up on average $24.27. However, it is the percentage (.14) that investors watch closely because it enables them to quickly track the amount and direction of change in the particular market which the index represents. That may signal a trend, or alert the investor or analyst that something is happening which deserves a closer look. For example, if student test data were collected every week, and for several weeks the trend was down, or if there was a sudden steep decline, the percent of the decline would indicate the severity of the problem. Major Market Indexes There are a few major market indexes , which are widely referred among investors and analysts all around the globe. Whether you are watching, listening to, or reading financial news, these indexes will be mentioned. To be financially literate, you should know what they are and a little about each: The Dow Jones Industrial Average Abbreviated DJIA. Often referred to as “ the Dow ” or “Dow Jones”, this index has been in existence since 1896. Mention the Dow to any investor in the world and they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about. You won’t find any small cap or mid cap companies in the Dow. It is made up of the stocks of 30 of the most influential and largest companies in the U.S. which are traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ securities exchanges . They are often referred to as blue chip stocks , because they are the shares of large cap, profitable, and top-quality companies. You might recognize a few of the Dow’s stocks: Home Depot , Walt Disney Co., American Express , and Microsoft . Movements of the Dow have proven to accurately reflect consumer confidence. (Recall Consumer Confidence Index from Lesson 1 - You’re Surrounded.) When the DJIA is up, the CCI probably is too. When the Dow trends down, it is a signal that consumer confidence is declining. Standard & Poor 500 Abbreviated S&P 500 , this is a popular index because it includes a wide selection of stocks (500, obviously) from across all sectors of both the NYSE and NASDAQ . There is some debate as to whether the S&P 500 or the Dow is most accurate indicator of U.S. stock market movements, but this index has proven to be a pretty reliable indicator of whether stocks in general, are headed up or down . A few companies whose stocks are components of the S&P 500 are Urban Outfitters, Starbucks, Johnson & Johnson, and FedEx. Its ticker symbol is GSPC . SLIDE 16I PRODUCT PREVIEW
Lesson 16 | Bulls and Bears and Boats, Oh My! 304
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