

PUBLISHER R. Michael Wrenn


Summer Forecast: Change in the Air

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carole VanSickle Ellis

VICE PRESIDENT OF MEDIA SALES Rodney Halford 816-398-4111 x86122 NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Teresa Stanton 816-398-4111 x86224 CONTENT DIRECTOR Abby Tillman DESIGN CONSULTANTS Rivet |


ith summer in full swing, these days we’re all amateur mete-

in our housing markets are indicative of “the end” simply because we, as real estate investors, have enjoyed a solid decade of unprecedented opportunity. Many active investors in today’s real estate market have never experienced a downturn from an invest- ment standpoint even if they experienced the pain of the last housing crash firsthand. As this month’s cover feature, Rick Sharga, who served as a primary narrator for the housing crash in the mid-2000s, reminds us, “A normal mar- ket adjusts downward sometimes. Prices get to a certain point; people stop buying the homes, and then prices start to adjust downward and people eventually start buying again. It’s just scary because it has been so long since we have seen what a nor- mal market looks like.” To help you navigate today’s housing market, our June issue is full of insight from expert inves- tors making the most of volatile market condi- tions, changing legislative and lending policies, and decades of experience in the opportunity that shifting market trends bring. Whether you have been in real estate 60 years or six days, Think Realty comes alongside you this summer with the market analysis, strategic insight, and time-tested tactics you need to look forward to your future in real estate investing instead of fearing it. Real estate investing can and should be positive and life-changing. This month, let us partner with you to envision that future clearly and with confidence. •

orologists. Whether we’re charting the likelihood of a summer storm wrecking the weekly neighborhood swim team faceoff, estimating how much it will cost to move the annual family camping trip to the indoor water-

park if the campsite floods, or just doing a little advance planning in the event the rides at our favorite animated-mouse-themed attraction are shut down by lightning, we all look a little closer at the sky when summer rolls around. And when that sky turns just a little bit threatening, even for a moment, we switch into “disaster mode,” pulling up the tent stakes, dragging kids out of the surf, and checking into our refund options on those pricey park tickets. This summer, real estate investors are doing a fair amount of amateur forecasting of their own. The air is tense in the housing market. Most ana- lysts agree “the center cannot hold,” as Irish poet William Butler Yeats might say were he a flipper in today’s hot markets. Change is coming. As real estate investors, it is our job to accurately forecast that change whenever possible and pre- pare for the storm (and the opportunity) to come. However, unlike the upheaval in Yeats’ apoca- lyptic poetry, real estate upheaval is not the end of the world – especially not for a real estate investor. It may be tempting to believe that future changes

DESIGNER Emily Bowers


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christina Alvino, Jennifer Jo Cobb, Jason DeLong, Lawrence Fassler, Kathy Fettke, Samuel K. Freshman, Pamela J. Goodwin, William Griesmer, Gene Guarino, Ross Hamilton, Jenna Heneghan, Julie Ziglar Norman, Douglas Skipworth,

Sweet Deals for Think Realty Members Economics 101 taught us the law of supply and demand. In REI, savvy investors (you) demand cost-cutting deals on products—Think Realty supplies them. We’re introducing three new suppliers to our ever- growing list of retailers and service providers, each offering discounts to Think Realty members. ApplyConnect No-cost tenant screening for landlords and 25% off other services Junk King $40 off quoted price for Eco-friendly & reliable junk removal for businesses & properties

Sarah Soenke, Kristin Weekley, Eddie Wilson, and Ingo Winzer.


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