King's Business - 1956-10

Reading time 90 seconds

Storehouse Tithing by CHARLES L. FEINBERG


Doctrinal pointers by Gerald B. Stanton, Th.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary

O n page 14 o f this issue Hebrew scholar Dr. Charles L. Feinberg gives an easy-to-read, fcur-pcin t summary o f the present- day concept o f storehouse tithing. We believe it’s an inter­ esting and helpful discussion. But whether you decide your gifts should go only to your local church or whether they should be given as the Lord lays it upon your heart to other worthwhile ministries, you still must settle another question: What about my savings and investments? As Christian investment counselors talk to believers it is often discovered that no real thought is being given to savings and investments as far as the Lord’s work is concerned. How do you answer this question: Are you saving more than you really need? Pray about it. Only you can decide the answer. Christ spoke o f daily material needs but not o f future needs. This isn’t a popular concept in America today. But it is God’s way. For nearly 50 years the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. has enjoyed a steadily increasing ministry. Through the grace o f our Lord and Saviour this ministry has expanded until today it includes a Bible institute, college, school o f missionary medicine, theological seminary, foreign mission outposts in Hong Kong, radio broadcasts (half hour gospel programs three times each week over nearly 50 stations) and a literature work (tracts, books, monthly magazine [The King's Business ] ) . Many new friends are needed right now to carry on and expand this vital ministry. Perhaps you’d like to be a part o f the solution to today’s critical need. Is that thousand or 50 or 100 thousand dollars right now doing what you really want it to do? Every cent you give now will be used to help reach this genera­ tion for Jesus Christ. Because you have freely received, therefore, freely give. You may write us for more information or use the coupon below. Thank you.

■Tot only in the theology classroom, l b u t also increasingly in conserva- ilt iv e churches and Christian homes there is being heard the word pre- tribulationalism. As the term sug­ gests, it involves the relationship be­ tween the coming of Christ for His Church and the future seven year per­ iod of wrath and judgment known as the tribulation. It affirms that the Church shall in no wise enter , into that time of sorrow; that is, in the future program of God the rapture will occur before the tribulation. S i n c e pre-tribulationalism has come to the fore as one of the most lively areas of debate within the pre- millennial circle, it should be helpful to discuss in this and subsequent col­ umns some of the issues involved. No doubt this can best be done by intro­ ducing several texts which establish a pre-tribulational conclusion. Revelation 3:10 — “ Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” In this passage, pre- tribulationalists find strong evidence that the Church of Jesus Christ will escape the tribulation to come. The letter to Philadelphia in which the promise is found is not of local appli­ cation, but has the whole Church in view. Under consideration in the pas­ sage is the return of Christ for His saints, reflected clearly in the words: “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” Nor is the trial localized in its extent, for it is to fall “ upon all the world.” The persecu­ tions of the past, no matter how fear­ ful or revolting, were invariably lim­ ited to one group or to one area. But in the tribulation to come, all the world will wonder after the beast and worship him (Rev. 13:3, 8) and thus come under the fierce anger of a righteous God (Rev. 14:9-11). It is rather generally agreed that the tribulation is in view in Revela- THE KING'S BUSINESS

| Field Department I Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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