King's Business - 1956-10

1. What text did Peter take for his sermon recorded in verses 14-36? 2. What do we learn about the in­ terpretation of the Old Testament from this use by Peter? Do you see the law of double reference here? Joel’s prophecy was not completely fulfilled at Pentecost; it will be with the return of Christ; it was partially fulfilled at Pentecost; it was fulfilled as a sort of down payment until the time comes for God really to pour of His Spirit on all flesh. This He will do in the millennium. 3. What wonderful promise is at­ tached to the gospel? (v. 21.) 4. In Peter’s sermon what does he teach about the Lord Jesus? List these doctrines. ft 5. Why was it not possible for Jesus to remain dead in the tomb? (v. 24.) Study Questions on Chapter 2 ( Continued) 1. What Scripture does Peter refer to in verses 25ff.? 2. How does he prove that this Psalm refers to the resurrection of Christ? 3. How does Pentecost prove the -’ fit- and resurrection of Christ? (w . 33-36.) 4. How was Peter’s Pentecostal ser­ mon received? (v. 37.) 5. How does Peter answer the ear­ nest inquiry of these seeking souls? (v. 38.) Meditate on this verse. Does it teach baptismal regeneration? 1. What gift of God is conditioned on the believer’s willingness to obey God with regard to water baptism? (v. 38.) 2. How many are qualified »to re­ ceive this gift? (v. 39.) Does this in­ clude you? 3. How should the Word of God be received? (v. 41.) 4. How many converts to Christ I were there as a result of Peter’s ser- I mon? (v. 41.) 5. On a piece of paper list the char­ acteristics of these early believers. How does this compare with your ! church? Study Questions on Chapter 3 1. What was the occasion of Peter’s second recorded sermon as given in chapter 3? (w . 1-11.) 2. In what spiritual condition were Peter and John just prior to the mir- CONTINUED Study Questions on Chapter 2 ( Continued)

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