King's Business - 1956-10

H E BR EW CHR I S T I ANS IN I SRAE L PL EAD FOR A I D BOOKS continued Spiritual and material wants are urgent and overpowering. Missionaries and pastors tell har­ rowing tales of misery and sorrow. Aid and comfort is needed in Israel, in Poland under the grip of Communism, and throughout the Medi­ terranean world.

land well known among the members of the Evangelical Party in that de­ nomination at the beginning of this century. For some years he was sec­ retary of the Church Missionary So­ ciety, and perhaps his greates t achievement was a tremendous three- volume bi-centennial history of that movement. These useful discussions are reprinted from the Record, from which they were originally published by the Religious Tract Society of Lon­ don. 297 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, M ich .;: $3.00. Th e S e cr e t of the U n iverse By Nathan R. Wood The tenth edition of this orienta­ tion in science and its relationship to God and revelation will be well re­ ceived. G. Campbell Morgan wrote the original introduction to the vol­ ume. Its discussion of the problems within its ken will be found helpful by students and others concerned over the Christian view of modem science. 220 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. H o llyw o o d C esspool By Robert L. Sumner This remarkable book is not just another popular tirade on the motion picture industry. The four parts of the work take up movie makers, movie morals, movie manners, and Bible Christianity versus Hollywood movies. Here is an encyclopedia of moviedom, with full index of movie personalities. The documentation is profuse, but one misses the page ref­ erences for handy verification. Pastors will find the last part a great help in seeking to protect their young people from the curse of Hollywood and its lure. 284 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111.; $2.50. F a c e o f the U eep By Dudley Joseph Whitney One need not agree in every detail of this short work, in which a layman seeks to defend the Biblical account of creation against the hypotheses of modem agnostic science, in order to appreciate its approach and solution. 102 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York, N.Y.; $2.50. END. ■■ ■ ■ H ill HERB JAHN, Christian Talent Associates Box 147 Bl, Hollywood 28, California Without obligation, send me Brochure and free sample lessons. Plus T.Q.T. I am interested in playing (check one) □ accordion □ piano □ organ □ I do □ do not have an instrument now. Name. Address. City----------------- Zone____State_________

The Israeli family pictured suffered sorely. Shortly after his baptism the father was stoned by fanatics and hit severely in the head. He has suffered since from epileptic attacks and for this reason is not able to do heavy work when he can get it. Hebrew Christians are discriminated against.

Hebrew C h ristia n Family of Israel in dire need.

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MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS Were sold in 1955 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. QA3 the re ’s a place for YOU in the ^P»OF1«S^ w S l I Ministry of Music ----------- «V iW AÙo .p iA y A«ORI>IAN, ORGAN, o r PIANO FOR FIRST TIME

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