King's Business - 1956-10

Delightfully simple and appeal­ ing mission books are also available for children of this age. Most of them follow the pattern of having a picture on one page with a few lines of story opposite. Most of them are small in size to allow the child the joy of mastery in han­ dling the book. Large picture sets are also available. Some churches make missionary teaching continuous by hanging a picture of Jesus with children of different nations as a permanent picture in the children’s room. Teachers may use the picture in connection with worship activities such as song, prayer and offering. Church missionaries are another source of help in making missions real to little children. Usually the best way to have one of them speak to the group is for the teacher to interview him. This enables her to ask questions of interest to the children, based on ideas she has built up, as well as permitting her to interpret more simply some of the missionary’s words. The chil­ dren of missionaries should be a part of their own age-group in the church when on furlough and con­ tinue as a part of the group when they return to the mission field. A picture of the child, letters, birth­ day and Christmas gifts, will make missionary life more real to the children. Pictures of the native children, curios, and brief bits of letters help to keep alive the special interests of the church.

T eaching M issions continued


HANDBOOKS Compiled By G R A C E R A M Q U I S T HANDBOOK NO. 1. A handy volum e, completely new and original: .Contains playlets, poems and short p ieces fo r every age group. Paper, 55c HANDBOOK NO. 2. An excellent book, fu ll o f new and adaptable material for your Christmas Program needs. In- c l u d e s a l l jig e groups. Paper, 55c

.They can understand that the for­ eign child may be playing as usual on Sunday morning because we have not shared our good things with him. Even a four and five- year-old can recognize the unfair­ ness of keeping all these blessings for himself with never a thought of others. How can our children share? Money may seem far removed from what the foreign child needs. It must be interpreted in terms of Bibles, missionary boat tickets, rail­ road fare, a house and food for the missionary while he teaches the people about God. As frequently as possible the children’s m oney should be turned into an actual gift, such as a package of pictures so that they make a clear connec­ tion between a money gift and what it purchases. Sometimes gifts of their good but outgrown cloth­ ing have more meaning to small children than things they have nev- ,er possessed. Missions may be made real in various ways. Offering banks can assume interesting forms that sug­ gest the country, such as an Afri­ can hut, an Eskimo igloo or an Indian basket. Dolls from the var- i 6 ifs countries help our children develop warmth of feeling toward boys and girls they have never seen. Costumes that fit the four and five-year-old harmonize with his natural tendency to dress up and assume another’s activity. A Japanese kimono or East Indian sari may do the trick.

HANDBOOK NO. 3. In clu d ed in this book are 4, 8 and 12 line pieces for young groups, pag­ eants, one-act plays, group exercises for all ages including adults. Paper, 55c ZONDERVAN PUBLICATIONS [ o r d er fr o m y o u r b o o k s eller

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