King's Business - 1956-10

She Struck a Blow for World Peace

A monthly column of names in the news Wycliffe Bible Translators’ Cameron Townsend has probably done more than any other person to cement friendly relations between U.S. mis­ sionaries and the governments south of our border. And a fortnight ago in Santa Ana, Calif. Christian Am­ bassador Townsend was on hand at a ceremony that demonstrates well the tireless efforts of his mission. The oc­ casion: the presentation of a $23,000, four-place Helio-Courier airplane to the Peruvian government. Vice-Presi­ dent Richard Nixon made the presenta­ tion in a ceremony sponsored by the Orange County Chamber of Com­ merce. The day before Peruvian Am­ bassador Fernando B erkem eyer had flown in from Washington, D.C. to receive the plane after it was chris­ tened (with a mixture of Amazon river water and California orange juice) by Mrs. Theresa de la Puente, wife of the Los Angeles Consul- General of Peru. The ceremony marked phase three of Townsend’s In te r -A m e r ic a n Friendship Fleet. Earlier the governments of Ecuador and Bolivia had received similar planes in cooperation with Dr. Lynn L. Bollinger, president of the Pitts­ burgh, Kan. company that manufac­ tures the Helio-Courier. In each case the governments have turned the planes back to Wycliffe to operate in their country. Wycliffe representa­ tives explained the friendly exchange has done much to inspire genuine understanding and confidence be­ tween the governments concerned and U.S. missions. As school opened across the nation hot spots of racial intolerance flamed up in smaller cities attempting to in­ tegrate their public schools in accord­ ance with established law. One such outbreak was in Mansfield, Tex. where Episcopal minister C. W. Clark, 35, told a street crowd, “ I’m surprised there has not been more Christian ac­ tion demonstrated. It comes as a shock that churches are not more will­ ing to help this situation.” Someone from the unreasoning mob shouted, “There’d be a lot less people in hell if preachers kept out of this.” But evangelicals knew the time was past when any true believer could ignore the solid fact that whites and Negroes are not only equal in God’s sight but also equal by the law of America.

...and gained her own "One of the best ways to bring about peace,” this good lady rea­ soned, “ is to offset the darkness of atheistic thinking by bringing the light of the Gospel into far comers of the world. How can I best help do this with my limited means?”

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