King's Business - 1913-08/09

Questions and Answers R. A. TORREY

have been widely used in Young Men’s Christian Associations, Sunday Schools and other adult Bible classes. There are nu­ merous other courses, but many of them have to do only with the dry bones and not with the real meat of the Bible, and some of them have an unmistakable bent toward the discredited destructive criticism. The book can be obtained for $1.50. Q. What is the best book to give a clear idea of just what the “Higher Crit­ ics” teach and to show the fallacy of their position? A. For the average minister of the Gos­ pel or student of the Bible we know of no other book that states the case so fully and yet so brightly and clearly as “The Higher Criticism and the New Theology, Unscientific, Unscriptural and Unwhole­ some” (number ten in the Montrose Li­ brary). This book was prepared because there seemed to be no other book that seemed to meet the needs of the average man who was befogged and befuddled bv the arrogant claims to a monopoly on Biblical scholarship made by the destruc­ tive school of “Higher Critics.” It con­ tains chapters by Prof. Win. G- Moore- head, Canon Dyson Hague, Prof. Franklin Johnson, Sir Robert Anderson, Prof. George Frederick Wright, Prof. M. ; G. Kyle, Prof. James Orr and others. No minister or layman who desires to keep abreast of modern discussions can afford not to read it. It has the added ad­ vantage of being within the reach of every­ body, as it is sold in paper covers for fifteen cents by the Book Room of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Temple Auditorium, Los Angeles, California.

Q. What do the 27th and 28th verses of First Corinthians 7 mean? i. e., do they release one in such a case from Matthew 5:32? A. They certainly do not. They simply teach that if a is not under obliga­ tion to a wife through, having one living, Ke has a right to marry, and that if a wo­ man is in a similar case, or a virgin, she has a right to marry. This is what it says, and' this is what it means. Christ’s law about divorce has never been abro­ gated. Q. What does First Corinthians 7:15, “But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not in bondage in such a case,” mean and to whom does it apply? A,. It means exactly what ■it, says, that if an unbelieving husband chooses to leave his wife because she becomes a Christian, or an unbelieving wife chooses to leave her husband because he .has become a Christian, they shall allow them to depart. •The believing husband and wife is not un­ der bondage to live with them in such a case. It does not, however, for a. mo­ ment mean what it does not say, viz., that they have a right to go and marry some one else. Q. What course of study would you suggest for a Bible class of bright men and women who are not satisfied with the International Lessons? A. Some years ago we prepared a se­ ries of lessons for this purpose. They cover the four Gospels in their entirety, taken up in their chronological order. The title of the book is “Lessons from the Life and Teaching of Our Lord.” There are about 150 lessons in all, each lesson hav­ ing suggestive questions with Scripture ref­ erences that if studied will give God’s own answer to the questions. At the close of each lesson is. a classified summary of the teachings of the passage. ' These studies

Thou art coming, oh, my Savior, Thou art coming, oh, my King, In thy beauty all resplendent: In thy glory all transcendent; Well may we rejoice and sing.

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