
16A — November 8 - 21, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Annual Joint Dinner Event Thursday, November 21, 2013 (5:30-8:30 pm) SIOR * CCIM * TRISTATE REALTORS * CIRC Harry’s Savoy Ballroom, 2020 Naaman’s Road, Wilmington, DE 19810

A nnual Joint Dinner Meet- ing i s a regional net- working event with members of SIOR, CCIM, TriState RE- ALTORS, and CIRC that gives attendees and their guests a chance to network together, learn about each of the com- mercial real estate associations and about opportunities and transactions in the community. REGISTER NOW!

N ovember 21, 2013 - Joint Dinner Meeting with SIOR-CCIM- CIRC-TRISTATE RCA at Harry’s Sa- voy Ballroom from 5:30 to 8:30. Cost is $55 for members, and $65 for non- members. S peakers: You will hear from the presidents of SIOR, CCIM, CIRC, and TRISTATE, and our presentation by: Robert Grabus and Mary Francis McGarrity - both

of Chester County Economic Develop- ment Council. T opic of the meeting will be the about the future development of the Route 1 Corridor in Southern Chester County - over 3 mil- lion square feet in the area from Ken- nett Square to West Knottingham. S ponorship op- portunities are available for the regional Joint Din- ner Meeting. For $250 you will have

a table for materi- als during Coctail Hour/Networking and will receive rec- ognition during the event. Contact Janet Pippert at janet@ circdelaware.org, or the Executive Direc- tor of your own association if you belong to CCIM, SIOR or TriState RCA. R egister at CIRC online at: www. circdelaware.org

2013 Board of Directors Wٛݮ—›Äã :Ê«Ä®ÙîĦ«ƒÃ ƵƐŚŵĂŶΘtĂŬĞĮĞůĚŽĨĞů͘ s®‘›Wٛݮ—›Äã ›ÙãZÊÊã͕s ,ĂƌǀĞLJ,ĂŶŶĂΘƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ dٛƒÝçٛ٠<ƒã«›Ù®Ä›>͘^®½®‘ƒãÊ͕W 'ƵŶŶŝƉΘŽŵƉĂŶLJ͕>>W ^›‘Ù›ãƒÙù ƒùƒÙ—:͘^Äù—›Ù͕ÝØ͘ ĂLJĂƌĚΘƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ ®Ù›‘ãÊÙÝͬÊÃîã㛛 —瑃ã®ÊÄ«ƒ®Ù͗ ƒÄ>›Ý«›Ù WĂƩĞƌƐŽŶtŽŽĚƐƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ >›¦®Ý½ƒã®ò›«ƒ®Ù͗ :͘'ٛ¦ÊÙù½½®Ý WĂƩĞƌƐŽŶͲtŽŽĚƐƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ WÙʦك냮Ù͗ :Ê«Ä®ÙîĦ«ƒÃ ƵƐŚŵĂŶΘtĂŬĞĮĞůĚŽĨĞů͘ D›Ã›ÙÝ«®Ö«ƒ®Ù͗ :ƒÃ›ÝDƒÄă DŝĚŽĂƐƚŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶŬ ›Ä¹ƒÃ®Ä:͘›Ù¦›Ù͕ÝØ͘ ĞƌŐĞƌ,ĂƌƌŝƐ͕>> :®ÃK͛,ƒÙƒ͕:Ù͘ E/ŵŽƌLJ,ŝůůͲZĞƚĂŝůŝǀ͘ Zƒ‘«ƒ›½:çÝ㮑› dWKŚƌŝƐƟĂŶĂ Êă½—Zʐ®ãþ›Ù dŚĞŽŵŵŽŶǁĞĂůƚŚ'ƌŽƵƉ DƒÙò®Ä^ƒ‘«Ý ĞůůĞǀƵĞZĞĂůƚLJŽ͘ ƌŝŐŚƚ&ŝĞůĚƐ͕/ŶĐ͘ :›Ù›Ãù›½ÝÊÄ ͘^͘<ŝĚŶĞƌΘƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ ‘ÊÄÊî‘›ò›½͘>®ƒ®ÝÊÄÝ E›óƒÝ㽛ÊçÄãù«ƒÃ›Ù ʐ«ƒ—ó®‘»͕®Ù›‘ãÊÙ EĐ͘Ğǀ͘ŽƵŶĐŝů ^ãƒã›Ê¥›½ƒóƒÙ› :›¥¥^ãÊě ^ƚĂƚĞŽĨĞůĂǁĂƌĞ͕K ®ãùÊ¥t®½Ã®Ä¦ãÊÄ :›¥¥&½ùÄÄ KĸĐĞŽĨĐŽŶŽŵŝĐĞǀ͘ ŽŶƚĂĐƚhƐ ǁǁǁ͘ĐŝƌĐĚĞůĂǁĂƌĞ͘ŽƌŐ ;ϯϬϮͿϲϯϯͲϭϳϬϱ øͲK¥¥®‘®ÊD›Ã›ÙÝ çݮěÝÝDƒÄƒ¦›Ù :ƒÄ›ã^͘W®Ö֛Ùã /Zͬ>ĂŶĚŵĂƌŬ ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞΘŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ >›¦®Ý½ƒã®ò›>ʐù®Ýã ͘^‘Êãã<®—Ä›Ù

Robert Grabus Development Advissor Chester County Economic Development Council

October 9, 2013 Membership Luncheon and Continuing Education classes provided by Frederick Academy of Real Estate. CIRC events give members an opportunity to network together, hear from business leaders in the business community, and earn continuing education credits needed for license renewal in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey (as noted).

Photos courtesty of Pat Forester and STAT Office Solutions

Continuing Education - Register Now! All Classes Provided By: FREDERICK ACADEMY OF REAL ESTATE January 8, 2014 Understanding Bankruptcy Reform Act (DE MOD. 5) Time: 8:30 AM

Credits: DE 3.0 Core Mod. 5, PA 3.5 Elec., MD 3.0 Elec., NJ 3.0 Elec. Contracts: Formation and Terms (DE MOD. 3) Time: 1:30 PM Credits: DE 3.0 Core Mod. 3, PA 3.5 Elec., MD 3.0 Elec., NJ 3.0 Elec. March 12, 2014

Real Estate Hot Buttons (DE MOD. 7) Time: 8:30 AM Credits: DE 3.0 Core Mod. 2, PA 3.5 Elec., MD 3.0 Elec., NJ 3.0 Elec. Charitable Giving in Real Estate (DE MOD. 6) Time: 1:30 PM Credits: DE 3.0 Core Mod. 6, PA 3.5 Elec., MD 3.0 Elec. CLASS INFORMATION Location:Clarion Belle Hotel, Savannah Room, 1612 N. DuPont Hwy., New Castle, Delaware 19720 CIRC Class Cost: $35 Member/$45 Non-member REGISTER ONLINE: www.circdelaware.org/education/schedule.cfm

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