Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — November 8 - 21, 2013 — 1A
All CPM Members, CPM Candidates, ACoM, and ARM Members of the Institute of Real Estate Management’s Delaware Valley Chapter No. 3 are cordially invited.
CELEBRATING IREM’S 80 TH ANNIVERSARY! Please join us as we celebrate and honor our accomplishments, Past Presidents of Del Val Chapter No. 3 2013 Chapter Award Recipients Installation of 2014 Chapter Officers
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Registration & Networking Reception 6:30 pm Dinner followed by program Cost: $75 Members - $85 Non-Members Please return this reservation form with payment no later than Friday, November 15. If you cannot guarantee receipt of payment by the deadline, please call 856-786-9260 or fax 856-786-3894 to confirm your reservation. All confirmed reservations must be paid for whether you attend or not. November 21, 2013 – Dinner Meeting Mail to: IREM Del Val 3, P.O. Box 65, Riverton, NJ 08077 Fax to: 856-786-3894 Name __________________________________________ Company ________________________________________ Mailing Address___________________________________ ________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ____________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ Please indicate if you are a __ Non-Member ($85) or Member ($75): __CPM __ARM __CPM Candidate __Associate Member __AMO Employee __Friend of IREM __ I am pre-paid Please make check payable to IREM Del Val No. 3 __ I would like to pay by VISA/MasterCard/Discover - NO AMEX Name on Card:____________________________ Signature:________________________________ Street Address on Card:_____________________ _______________________Zip Code: _________ Card #: _________________________________ Exp Date:__________Security Code: _________ __ I would like to pay by check
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown 201 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 www.sheratonphiladelphiadowntown.com
Please bring one new, unwrapped toy to the meeting. Visit www.irem3.org for more information, directions and sponsorship opportunities
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