
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — November 8 - 21, 2013 — Inside Back Cover C


P eople on the M ove

Hurricane Sandy disaster rebuilding Diane Kinnane to head CIS Inc.’s new recovery division

With Tracye McDaniel NAIOP NJ Student Members participate in Meeting


As a member of Feinstein, Raiss, Kelin & Booker L.L.C. of West Orange, NJ, Goldstein’s practice focus is real estate- related litigation matters on behalf of property owners, managers and developers. Designed for newly admit- ted lawyers, the program ad- dressed a wide range of leasing and landlord/tenant concerns. These included the Anti-Evic- tion Act, procedures for non- payment and other grounds, settlements, preparation for trial, warrants of removal, abandoned property, com- “Understandably, munici- palities are still struggling to put the fabric of their commu- nities back together after the destruction of Sandy one year ago,” said Christiana Foglio, founder and chief executive of- ficer of CIS. “We are excited to work side-by-side withmunici- palities on the challenges they are currently facing and aid them in getting a real sense of community back and retaining their character as they re- build. Diane is uniquely suited to lead our efforts in this area, and we will draw heavily on our expertise and skill set in redeveloping and stabilizing efforts in the wake of Hurri- cane Sandy’s devastation.

mercial leases and applicable ethical considerations. Philip Neuer, Esquire, MCR, of the Safer Holding Corporation, also spoke at the seminar. Goldstein is a sought-af- ter guest speaker for a wide range of landlord/tenant is- sues, including residential and commercial evictions, bed bug litigation and housing discrimination matters. She has handled litigation in the New Jersey State and Federal Trial Courts as well as in the Appellate Division and the New Jersey Supreme Court. n At NAI Hanson, DeMagistris and Vetter have been successful in the representation of sev- eral prominent Meadowlands landlords. They are actively representing multiple owners in their efforts to lease or sell space in the Northern New Jersey market. They have represented such notable landlords as Russo Development, Sitex, The Hamp- shire Companies and Joseph L. Muscarelle Inc., and companies such asCoining, Inc., SourceOne Worldwide, The Pepsi Bottling Group and InterCept Inc. Prolo- gis Trust Corporation has twice recognized both of themas one of their “Brokers of the Year.” The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors is a leading pro- fessional commercial and in- dustrial real estate association with more than 3,000 members in more than 630 cities in 34 countries. SIOR designees can hold the following specialty des- ignations: industrial, office, sales manager, executive manager, or advisory service. n “Initially, CIS-DR will em- bark on community assess- ments with municipalities, including identifying the cur- rent unmet housing needs and developing an implementation plan,” added Foglio. “We will focus on the nine counties in our state directly affected by Hurricane Sandy.” n communities as well.” Kinnane brings broad ex- pertise in disaster recovery and rebuilding as well as neighborhood revitalization to her new role at CIS. Most re- cently, she served as the New Jersey Deputy State Director of the President Obama Hur- ricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force.

AWRENCEVILLE, NJ — Community In- vestment Strategies,

Inc. (CIS), a leading fully i n t e g r a t e d commercial real estate company spe- cializing in multi-family and mixed- use proper-

Diane Kinnane

ties, has named Diane Kin- nane the executive vice presi- dent of its new CIS-Disaster Recovery (CIS-DR) division. As a natural extension of CIS’ community redevelopment work, CIS-DR will assist mu- nicipalities in their rebuilding

Student members pose with Tracye McDaniel

“Every year, it becomes more difficult to award winners for our Garden State Awards of Excellence,” says Jean Madd- alon, Executive Director of NJAA. “Among the thousands of people who work hard every day to make apartments feel like home, our winners have been selected for exceptional recognition. The Garden State Awards is a fun opportunity to get together and recognize all of the outstanding contribu- tions the multi-housing indus- try has made in New Jersey.” The NJAA Awarded the following companies with Management Company of the Year Awards: 2013Management Company of the Year – Affordable: PRD Management, Inc. 2013 Market Rate Manage- ment Company of the Year –Under 2,000 Units: The Klein Company 2013 Market Rate Manage- ment Company of the Year –Over 2,000 Units: Morgan Properties NJAAmembers inspect and judge all of the nominated in- dividuals and properties. n Choose New Jersey is one of four organizations mar- keting the Garden State for economic development, join- ing the New Jersey EDA, the Business Action Center, and the Department of Higher Education in that effort. n members Areej Sabzwari, Portia Henry and Lizzie Browder. Standing (L-R) are NAIOP New Jersey CEO Mi- chael McGuinness, student member Jackie Wu, Tracye McDaniel, and student mem- bers Joe Zagari and Jona- than Scharff. Mark Russo participated via conference call.

MONROE TOWNSHIP, NJ — On Thursday, Octo- ber 24th, The New Jersey Apartment Association (NJAA) celebrated its 20th Annual Garden State Awards by presenting 165 awards to members, member properties and associate members at a black and white-themed gala. At the event, which took place at the Hilton East Bruns- wick, the NJAA recognized excellence amongst leaders in the multi-family rental hous- ing, one of the state’s most valuable industries. Nominations were open to all NJAA members with the opportunity to showcase excel- lence in more than 40 catego- ries including new awards just added this year: Green Building New Con- struction and Retrofits - to acknowledge the increased importance of eco-friendly design and benefits; Industry Rookie of the Year - to recog- nize those who have excelled during the beginning of their multi-family careers and; New Construction Built after 2010 (in several property catego- ries)- to celebrate expansion in NEW BRUNSWI CK , NJ — NAIOP New Jersey Student Members met with Choose New Jersey CEO Tracye McDaniel to share their perspectives on what the Garden State needs to do to attract and retain the young talent that 21st cen- tury employers are seeking. In the resulting exchange of ideas, McDaniel explained what the state is doing to at- tract and retain businesses, and the student members offered their views on what makes a city “cool” and at- tractive. Seated (L-R) are student

Tracy Goldstein speaks at Rutgers Institute

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Tracey Goldstein, Esquire , served as a featured speaker at

the Rutgers Institute for Professional Education’s “Fundamen- tals of New Jersey Com- mercial Leas- ing and Resi- dential Land-

Tracy Goldstein

lord/Tenant Practice” program. The CLE seminar was held at Rutgers School of Law-Newark on Monday, November 4, 2013.

NJAA gives 165 awards at annual event the multi-family industry.

NAI Hanson brokers DeMagistris and Vetter achieve SIOR designation

HACKENSACK, NJ — NAI James E. Hanson , a leading New Jersey-based commer- cial real es- tate firm, an- nounced that vicepresidents Je f f rey W. DeMagistris and Thomas A . Ve t t e r have achieved The Society of Industrial and Office Re- altors (SIOR) designation. The society certifies its mem- bers with the prestigious SIOR designation as a professional symbol of the highest level of knowledge, production and ethics in the real estate in- dustry. With DeMagistris and Vetter joining the ranks of seven other members of NAI Hanson who hold the SIOR designation, the firm now has the most SIOR designated professionals among commercial real estate firms in New Jersey. Jeffrey Demagistris

“I would like to applaud Jeff and Tom for putting in the time and hard work necessary

to earn this pres t i g i ous designation — an espe- cially impres- sive accom- p l i s h m e n t during one of the most try- ing real estate

Thomas Vetter

markets we’ve experienced,” stated William C. Hanson , SIOR , president of NAI Han- son. “In addition to the profes- sional accomplishment that this designation recognizes, SIOR is near and dear to the hearts of the Hanson family, spanning a long tradition back to James E. Hanson, who was the organization’s national president in 1965. Additionally, Peter O. Hanson was national president in 1985, and Mildred Hanson was one of the first women to earn the SIOR des- ignation.”

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