

2023 was a year of collaboration between mcfb and other organi- zations who all share the desire to fight hunger. We began the year working closely with the Area Agency on Aging ( aaa ) to help increase access to, and availability of nutritious food for seniors. M cfb and aaa work closely to help ensure our seniors are provided the food and nutrition re- sources they need to live healthfully. We also partnered with the Central California Alliance for Health, the Food for Health Equity Lab at Stanford Medical, and Castle Family Health Centers to provide a year-long pilot study on the provision of medically tailored foods for people experiencing an A1C over 10. The intent was to evaluate if healthy foods (when consumed on a regular basis) positively impacts the partici- pant’s health in quantifiable ways – lower A1C. M cfb also partnered with Merced County Department of Human Services Agency to in- crease Cal Fresh outreach and education in low-income communities. mcfb and Public Health previously partnered to develop the first Gleaning Program at mcfb ; entitled Picking for Purpose. We are also working on a new project with Public Health’s assistance – the demonstra- tion garden at mcfb , which will be used to show people how to grow food in limited spaces, and teach other non-profits how to create their own gardens in their communities. During 2023 mcfb increased our engagement with the California Association of Food Banks ( cafb ). mcfb participated in the Rural and Remote Food Bank working committee, sat on the public policy, and audit committees, and

actively supported cafb through legislative ad- vocacy efforts. Lastly, we partnered with the Central Valley Food Bank and other Food Banks from Stockton to Bakersfield to test a pilot program that focuses on supporting local food purchases from local small farmers. Effectively brining local fresh produce into the food bank network. Collaborative Project Picking For Purpose promotes the highest use of wholesome unmarketable food and reduces hunger and waste by using tech- nology, social media and strategic invest- ment to help bridge the hurdles that result in food waste.

16 mcfb 2023–2024 annual report

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