NSLHD Year in Review 2023 - DRAFT

RNSH anaesthetists awarded grant for game-changing device

A team of anaesthetists from Royal North Shore Hospital were awarded funding as part of the NSW Health Sustainable Futures Innovation Fund.

Anaesthetists Ben Olesnicky, Andrew Lindberg and Carl D’Souza will develop a device that will convert excess anaesthetic gases, a potent greenhouse gas, into a harmless by-product.

The team will work alongside chemical engineers from UNSW Sydney to develop a clinical prototype device that has the capability of removing a significant proportion of gases

from the operating theatre before it reaches the environment. Once a successfully tested clinical prototype has been created, it could be adapted to fit all current anaesthetic machines in use across the state. “The device will use an ultraviolet light to convert the anaesthetic gas to harmless by-product, which will ensure no harmful exposure to patients, staff or the general population,” he said. reducing the amount of gases we use, but rather reducing their effect on the environment.” The device is currently undergoing laboratory testing and Ben says there could be potential for it to be implemented on a broader scale if it’s proven to be effective. “The device will not only help “This project isn’t necessarily about Royal North Shore to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint, but it could also be implemented on a larger scale to help reduce the health system's wider carbon footprint,” he said. The Northern Sydney Local Health District has been actively working on its sustainability efforts, committing to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2035, with most of the reduction – 70 to 80 per cent – to be achieved by 2030.

RNSH anaesthetists Andrew Lindberg, Ben Olesnicky and Carl D’Souza

22 NSLHD 2023 Year in Review

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