Page 1 Happy Mother’s Day, Renee!
Page 2 5 Ways to Increase Your Family’s Fitness
99-Year-Old Betty White’s Secrets of Longevity
Page 3 How to Treat Your Child’s Nosebleed
Shaved Asparagus Salad
Page 4 Word From the Westies
Hours: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Izzy & Emma MakeTheir Case BIG DOGSVS. SMALL DOGS
Just 'cause small dogs yap doesn’t mean we deserve a bad rap. Barking is bred into us! How else can we let our human companions know a killer squirrel is running loose right outside the back door ? And let’s be real — big dogs bark, too! We are the true lap dogs. I know you Great Danes and Saint Bernards think it’s cute to call yourself lap dogs, but I think we speak for Claire, Audrey, and all the little people of the world when we say that small dogs are the only real equal opportunity lap dogs. We can snuggle up on the lap of a toddler just as easily and safely as we can on an adult’s lap. And for our final argument, we have just one word: cleanup . We love to burrow and dig in the dirt, but when it comes to bath time, cleanup is a cinch! No offense to bigger breeds, but sometimes y’all really stink! With things like treats and bones, bigger is better, but we know many humans don’t think that’s the case when it comes to cleaning up piles of
We know, we know. The debate about which are better, big dogs or small dogs, is as old as the question of the chicken and the egg. (For the record, Emma thinks the egg came first; Izzy thinks the chicken did.) Sure, some curious humans did a study that showed dog owners with larger dogs are happier than dog owners with smaller dogs. And yeah, the study showed that male humans especially don’t like us small dogs! But you know what? We’re here to defend our small-breed friends and toy-size pups, too! We now want to make our case in the court of public opinion, and we have some pretty convincing evidence. Not all men are created equal. This might be a contentious point, but stick with us! We know, for example, that our human dad, Dr. Evans, loves us. Our spunk and snuggle skills have convinced many male humans, young and old, to pet us and give us treats.
dog doo! We know that really stinks, but it’s slightly more tolerable coming from small dogs like us.
The truth is that Emma and I think of ourselves as big dogs in small-dog bodies, and we hope you’ll celebrate all the pups in your life, regardless of their size!
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