Sevenish Law - April 2021

APRIL 2021 317-636-7777


Fierce Protectors of the Injured

OPTIMISM, A SKILL ANYONE CAN LEARN! 5 Tips for Boosting Your Outlook This Year

You may have someone in your life who, on the surface, may not seem to have many reasons to be happy. Tragedy may have occurred in their lives, or maybe they don’t live the luxurious life most of us associate with happiness. Yet, against all odds, they’re the happiest people you know! That’s because, fundamentally, optimistic people don’t look for reasons to be upset. They look for reasons to be happy. They may ask themselves questions like, “What am I most grateful for at this very moment?” Optimism, in many ways, can require a warrior spirit. It takes a certain amount of determination to focus your emotional energy in a positive way. Having a better quality of life isn’t the only reason you want to train your optimism skills — optimism comes with health benefits, too. Researchers in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that optimists are less likely to experience disabilities as they age and typically live longer than pessimists. Another study showed that optimistic participants have a more than 50% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and greater survival rates when fighting cancer. Unfortunately, we often find plenty of reasons to be upset, angry, and unforgiving toward the world. The internet makes it easy to find new reasons every day! And as valid as these emotions may be, the truth is that, no matter what, we may never run out of reasons to be unhappy. In a similar way, we also may never run out of true, legitimate reasons to be joyous in our lives.

A wise man once said that pessimistic people don’t think the present is bad — they worry that it’s only as good as it’s ever going to get. How do we embrace happiness if we’re stuck worrying about how imperfect the present can be? Many things about our life experiences are perfect the way they are. Perhaps, for you, it’s the smell of coffee in the morning or the way your loved ones laugh at your jokes. Training your optimism doesn’t have to feel like asking the tooth fairy to appear. As a very practical person, I can tell you what works for me: Savor life in every aspect. Maybe you’ll begin to notice how cozy your home is, or just “ Training your optimism doesn’t have to feel like asking the tooth fairy to appear. As a very practical person, I can tell you what works for me : Savor life in every aspect. ”

how kindly a friend treats you. The more we learn to notice what’s naturally amazing about our lives, the more likely we are to grow a natural appreciation and optimism in our lives. Another word for reframing our thought process is cognitive therapy. Research shows that cognitive therapy can be just as effective or more effective than antidepressant medications in the treatment of clinical depression. Whether you work with a professional therapist or not, training our skills in optimism can not only improve our day-to-day lives but also ward off mental illness and prevent future setbacks. No matter what you’ve been through, there’s always a way to lighten the load, even by a little bit. I hope 2021 helps you and your loved ones be a little more optimistic this year. Thanks so much for reading, friends.

–Randall “Randy” Sevenish

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With These 4 Tips

In this fast-paced world, it can be easy to grow impatient. Things as small as waiting for a slow website to load or waiting in a long line for coffee can sometimes leave people feeling frustrated and anxious. Practicing patience helps reduce stress and helps you realize it's okay if something takes a few extra minutes. If you find yourself feeling impatient, here are a few helpful tips. BREATHE DEEPLY When you feel stressed, your breathing gets shallow, which amplifies anxiety. Practicing deep breathing can help reduce stress and frustration by relaxing your body and mind. This is as simple as taking a few quiet moments to inhale through the nose, drawing your breath into the belly and lungs. Count to four to help you focus as you inhale. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. After a few repetitions, you will find that your mind and body feel calmer. SWITCH FOCUS When agitated, it’s common for our thoughts to center on the irritant. Though it may feel difficult to do when you’re stressed out, switching your focus will help you calm down and be more patient. For instance, if you find yourself growing more and more frustrated by hitting red lights as you drive, try focusing on green instead. Looking for passing cars, signs, trees, or anything that is green will help break that hyper-focus and shift it from negative to positive. Soon, those red lights will be less bothersome. MEDITATE A great way to increase your patience is by meditating, a combination of the first two tips — focus and breathing. Meditation helps people constructively manage thoughts by allowing them to practice observing their thoughts from a neutral perspective. Regular meditation can reduce stress and improve patience throughout the day. Even just 5–10 minutes of daily practice can have a tremendous impact over time. PRACTICE ACCEPTANCE While the above tips can help you improve your patience, sometimes you must simply accept that some things can’t be rushed. There will be times when we cannot control the outcome: A red light will change to green when it changes and no sooner. Learning to accept that can help people let go of their frustration, become more understanding of their situation, and greatly improve their patience.

Did you know that, after an accident, you have every right to be suspicious of a doctor referred to you by your insurance company — even if the health care is “free”? Most attorneys refer to this as the “kiss of death” to an injury claim. Why? That doctor may have a profitable relationship with your insurance to minimize your injury claim as much as possible. Here are a few other things you may not know about your motorcycle accident claim. DOES IT MATTER WHETHER I WAS WEARING A HELMET? No. You have the right to file a claim or lawsuit over your injuries, regardless of whether you were wearing a helmet. That’s true even if you were legally required to wear a helmet. However, if you have a head injury, the insurance company may claim you contributed to your injuries by choosing not to wear one and you may get a lower offer from them or award from a jury than you would have recovered otherwise. You may still claim other “special” and “general” damages for other injuries, including past and future medical bills, wage loss, custom parts and repair costs of the motorcycle, as well as physical injuries such as past and future pain and suffering, inability to function as a whole person, scarring, disfigurement, and permanency of the injury. WHAT CAN I DO IF I WAS FORCED OFF THE ROAD OR HIT BY A HIT- AND-RUN DRIVER? In this situation, you may still be able to make an insurance claim if you have uninsured (UM) motorist coverage, which is an absolute must for motorcycle riders. Insurance companies are famously reluctant to pay these claims, however, and may blame you for your injuries — even though they are your insurance company! Some policies may also have a “physical contact” requirement, but there could be ways around that. If you have any trouble enforcing your legal rights, you should contact a motorcycle accident lawyer you trust as soon as possible in order to immediately investigate the crash, take witness statements, review physical evidence, take pictures and/or video of the scene and your injuries, and otherwise aggressively protect your rights and interests as a motorcycle rider. You can find out more in our book, “Indiana Motorcyclist Guide: Protecting the Biker 101,” available for free online at Thanks for reading!

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It may be shocking to hear, but the sad truth is that many people injured in an accident are victims not once, but two or three times: once when they are injured, then later when they are taken advantage of by the insurance company, and sometimes also by their own attorney — in rare instances. Some lawyers, true to their bad reputation, could care less about justice and honesty and are just out to make money any way they can. Their clients end up suffering for it in the end. Fortunately, this is rare. As an attorney and a man of integrity, I have been fighting an uphill battle for over 30 years against the negative reputation of lawyers. As a result, I developed a ClientsFirst© Bill of Rights. One of the principles of this policy of “rights” is that whatever the client wants to do takes priority unless it's unethical or illegal. If the client does not want to file suit, then we settle the claim outside of court. If the client wishes to initiate litigation, then we go ahead and do so. Another principle is that I will never make more money from the settlement than the client does. We also keep in touch with our clients on a monthly basis to make sure they are informed of the status of their case, and we return phone calls that same day in most cases. In addition, our firm does not rely on a high volume of cases. We do not handle every type of law under the sun. Each year we accept a limited number of cases from injured persons requesting our help so we can provide our clients with the very best service from our outstanding staff.

Our paralegals and legal assistants play an important role in your case, but they do not negotiate your case with the insurance companies. Fewer cases mean more time for you and better overall results for your case. If we do accept your case, you can be assured it will receive my personal attention. I will aggressively represent you and involve you every step of the way when preparing a settlement demand, negotiating with the insurance company, or considering the possibility of litigation (taking the matter to trial). We invite you to experience the difference for yourself — take advantage of this unique ClientsFirst© Bill of Rights and our unconditional 30-day Free-Trial “Happiness” Guarantee. Please visit our website, , to find out more details about me and my outstanding staff, and read testimonials from past clients (upon request). We can’t wait to hear from you.


Brain WORK!


"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." – Isaiah 41:10

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101 West Ohio Street, Suite 1540 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-636-7777



Optimism, a Skill Anyone Can Learn! Page 1

How to Be More Patient and Less Stressed

What You Don't Know About Filing Your Motorcycle Accident Claim Page 2

What Sets Sevenish Law Firm Apart? Page 3

Make Gardening Better With These 3 Ideas! Page 4

DO SOMETHING BETTER IN THE GARDEN 3 Ways to Improve Your Harvest

There’s something beautiful about cultivating your own harvest, but you can grow more than simple backyard vegetables. Help your garden “grow up” by trying something unique this spring. GROW FUN FOODS We plant gardens for a purpose, so why not make it fun! Plant fresh basil, tomatoes, onions, peppers, oregano, and more to create a garden worthy of your next homemade pizza. All you will need to buy is the crust! Pumpkin plants can offer fresh gourds for any Halloween fanatic, while new species of fruits and vegetables can create an exciting home-cooking experience. Try the silver cucumber for a sweet taste or pineberries for a mix between strawberries and pineapples. You just might find a new flavor you love. GO WITH THE FLOW Creating a year-round garden that practically takes care of itself means using principles of permaculture, a philosophy of working with, rather than against, nature. Start by analyzing your space and yard. Determine your soil type and layer mulch or cover crops to protect it. Then, begin

planting the same way that’s found in nature — trees grow at the top, shrubs and bushes are below, and other small plants and vines intermingle within. Choose crops that help each other grow (like corn, beans, and squash), and offer aid to your garden without digging up too much soil or disturbing its natural process. Permaculture gardening requires thoughtful planning, but once your crops are in place, nature will take its course. PLANT FOR YOUR HEALTH Mass production of your favorite fruits and vegetables reduces their key nutrients. Instead, choose fresh, home-grown varieties to yield greater health benefits. This is good news for those living with heart disease, joint disorders, or other chronic conditions. You can grow a garden chock full of nutrient-rich foods! Colorful fruits, root veggies, onions, and beans are great for joint health, while leafy greens can boost heart health. Grow pumpkins so you can harvest the seeds for better brain function, while berries can support your liver.

Before you dig into these new gardening methods, consult with an expert at a nursery or greenhouse to get the best possible results.

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