MarathonPT: Correct Posture For A Comfortable Life

Marathon Monthly by Marathon Physical Therapy

Marathon Monthly August 2020 Physical Therapy


The best way to keep your body healthy during this time is to stay moving and reduce inflammation. Being sedentary and making poor diet choices has the potential to hurt your immune system and make you a target for

sickness and disease. 1. Wash your hands. 2. Decide to get up and get moving.

3. Eat nutrition rich food. 4. Drink plenty of water. 5. Don’t smoke. 6. Get a good amount of rest. 7. Stretch. 8. Take frequent breaks for breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale deeply. 9. Continue your home exercise program 2-3 times per week. In order to be healthy, there needs to be a large emphasis on movement. When your body is flexible, strong, well- balanced, and fueled by a nutritious diet, it is able to fight infection and reduce the impact of viruses. We are dedicated to helping you live the best life you can. We are still open and serving patients! If you cannot make it to your physical therapy appointments, continue your exercises at home. We care for you and remember you are part of our physical therapy family.


At Marathon Physical Therapy, we are following CDC and state guidelines to ensure the safety of all patients and staff: • Masks are required for entry. • All staff will wear masks and gloves at all times. • All surfaces are cleaned with disinfectant before and after patient use.

• Social distancing will be in effect throughout the waiting area and treatment area. • The number of staff and patients will be limited to ensure proper social distancing. Your safety is our top priority. Stay safe and healthy!

(516) 487-9810


Improving Your Posture

Our physical therapists are experts in evaluating posture and movement. By pinpointing the source of your aches and pains, we can develop a plan for you that will return you to an ideal posture and quickly relieve your pain. In fact, physical therapy has been proven as one of the most successful methods for improving posture. According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health, titled, “Evidence-based protocol for structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture,” the method of structural rehabilitation has a strong efficacy for back pain, neck pain, and postural improvement. Physical therapists have found success in using their methods to treat postural issues, as well as the chronic conditions that may develop as a result. Physical therapists are movement experts and they are great resources to have when trying to achieve your physical performance goals. They will aid you in the improvement of your balance, stability, flexibility, and mobility, all of which will positively affect your posture. 3 simple tips: Physical therapy treatments will yield the best results when focusing on improving your posture. However, there are some simple tips you can use on your own when standing, sitting, or bending in your daily life: 1. Standing. Stand facing a mirror. Look at your shoulders - does one seem higher than the other? Look at your neck - does it tilt to one side or stick forward? Pretend that an imaginary string is pulling gently through the top of your head. Notice how your posture improves automatically when you try to be taller? Keep your abdominals slightly contracted to maintain this posture. When walking, make sure that your arms are moving comfortably back and forth, feeling the rotation through your torso. 2. Sitting. Sit all the way back in your chair so you feel your lower back against the backrest. Avoid prolonged sitting on soft couches when watching TV, as this causes excessive slouching. Try to keep your feet flat on the floor and angle your chair so that your knees are slightly lower than your hips.

Try using a small rolled-up towel for your lower back if you need more support while sitting. If you work at a computer, make sure that your keyboard and mouse are slightly lower than the level of your elbow. You may need to adjust your seat higher to make this happen. 3. Bending. Most back injuries occur when bending and twisting at the same time. When you need to bend down to get something from a low surface, make sure you squat, and keep your abdominals tight as you do so. In addition, if you are lifting something, get your body as close as possible to what you are lifting. Try having one leg forward to use your legs more to lift, rather than your back. Contact us for assistance: As part of your physical therapy treatment, we can teach you proper posture, bending, and lifting techniques to protect your body from future injuries and make sure you stay healthy for the long-haul. Contact Marathon Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you live pain-free!

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Sudoku Puzzle

Exercise Essential Stretches Lower Back


7 1 6 8

REPEAT TRUNK FLEXION | TO FLOOR Sit in a chair with good posture. Hands on thighs. Let your trunk sag toward the floor use your arms to control the movement. Let your arms dangle to the floor. Now use your arms to push yourself up. Repeat 10 times.

1 9 8 5 3

4 9 1 4



5 3 8 8

3 4 6 1 9

3 5 9 2


n° 222047 - Level Medium 3 2 4 1 8 4

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Patient Success Story


“I had a lot of neck, shoulder, and hand pain. Walking, lifting, I was just in constant pain. It was frustrating. When I came to Marathon Physical Therapy, they really helped me. The heat and massage really helped. It’s 99% better. They did the job!” - Nira Y (Great Neck, NY) “They Really Helped Me!”

1. Get outside! This may seem like an obvious one, but not everyone has a strong interest in the outdoors. It can sometimes be difficult, especially on particularly hot or humid days. However, getting outside as often as you will boost your energy levels and get you some much-needed Vitamin D. Make your way over to your local pool, peruse around nearby shops or simply take a walk around the neighborhood to get out, get moving, and enjoy the weather! 2. Rearrange your schedule. Does your schedule leave little time to fit in physical activity? Perhaps you have a full day of commuting to and from your 9-5 job, preparing your kids for summer camps, volunteering, and acting as a chauffeur while the kids are out of school. However, even adding in 30 minutes of physical activity into your busy routine can make a big difference in helping maintain your function. Try taking a walk during your lunch break, going to the gym in the morning before making your commute, or even treating yourself to an exercise class a couple of nights a week – you deserve it! 3. Get healthy for your summer sport. Are you part of a summer sports team? If so, it is important to make sure you prepare your body for the season! Use this time to train, maintaining a nutritious diet, and strengthening the necessary parts of your body. At Marathon Physical Therapy, we also offer training and performance classes to train your body for your specific sport! Contact us to find out how we can get you to your peak performance for your summer sport. 4. Start something new! Are you unsure about what you want to do in terms of staying active this summer? Try taking up a new hobby that’ll get you moving! There are several outdoor activities that’ll allow you to take advantage of the warm weather, such as beach volleyball, running clubs, kayaking, rock climbing, or hiking. Try your hand at some of these to see which suits you best! Any new physical hobby will help you get the exercise you need. 5. Contact us for help. At Marathon Physical Therapy, we want to make sure you stay safe this summer – we want you to be able to enjoy it! If you find yourself in any sort of pain, or if you’d simply like some extra motivational assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our mission is to help you achieve a healthy mind, body, and spirit through our services, whether that be for physical therapy or fitness training. Whatever the case may be, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your fitness goals with one of our licensed physical therapists.

Holiday Offer

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Marathon Physical Therapy Tel: (516) 487-9810 Fax: (516) 773-7315

The Expert Care You Need and Deserve


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Page 1: 9Ways To StrengthenYour Body Against Viruses Like COVID-19 • Ensuring Your Safety Page 2: Improving Your Posture • SudokuPuzzle Page 3: Holiday Offer • Patient Success Story • Prepare Yourself For The SummerWith These 5 Simple Tips Page 4: Correct Your Posture for aMore Comfortable Life! INSIDE

CORRECT YOUR POSTURE FOR A MORE COMFORTABLE LIFE! How do you maintain your posture throughout the day? Do you catch yourself slouching frequently? Do those last couple hours of the school or work day leave you hunched over and ready to leave? If you are experiencing aches and pains, especially in your neck or back, poor posture is probably to blame. Fortunately, posture can be improved with the help of physical therapy. Call us today to learn more about how you can improve your posture and lead a pain-free, active life! The 3 curves of your spine: Your spine has 3 curves, which provide support and flexibility, in addition to protecting the nerves running up and down your spine. Your neck and lower back should be gently curved in, while your upper back should be slightly curved out. When you slouch, the spine in your neck and lower back actually becomes straighter, while the upper back becomes excessively curved. This produces a forward-head posture and humped upper back. If your abdominal muscles are weak, you may also experience an excessive arch in your lower back. Common postural issues: Poor posture isn’t anything to be embarrassed about - very few people have perfect posture, and most people partake in bad posture habits in one way or another. We become so wrapped up in whatever tasks we are doing that we forget to think about the way our bodies are positioned.

something to do with a physical weakness within our bodies. We slouch and slump when we feel drained because our bodies (quite literally) get tired of holding us up. Poor posture leads to excessive strain on your joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It also weakens many of the core muscles that are needed in order to keep you upright and healthy. Posture changes occur over time and most people don’t pay attention to them until they begin to notice aches and pains. Even if you exercise regularly, it is possible that there are still a few weak muscles contributing to your posture that you may not even realize. The muscles in your shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic floor all play an important role in your posture. If even one of these is weak, your core will be affected, and your posture may suffer. Your body is designed to align perfectly, in order to allow for proper movement of the muscles, breathing, and blood circulation. If poor posture continues, it can eventually lead to chronic conditions as you age.

Improper posture isn’t due to laziness or apathy; rather, it generally has

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