Never Too Late September/October 2024

Neighbors Care Alliance

Southern Arizona Senior Pride: Two Decades of Empowering Older LGBTQI+ Adults

Senior Pride offers a plethora of social and educational events. These activities foster communal bonds and provide ongoing educational enrichment. Health & Wellbeing: Tailored to meet the specific health challenges faced by older adults, this initiative focuses on topics pertinent to healthy living within the LGBTQI+ community. Recognizing the profound effects of loss, the necessity for end-of-life planning, and community-based supports, Senior Pride also introduced three key support services: Grief & Loss Support Groups: These groups create a safe and compassionate environment for individuals to navigate their grief, share experiences, and find community support. Advance Medical Care Planning: Offering workshops and individualized assistance, this service helps community members prepare for future medical decisions, ensuring their wishes are respected and dignity maintained. Community Cares Program, an affiliate of the Neighbors Care Program: To support older LGBTQI+ adults living both independently and within facilities, Senior Pride launched the Community Cares Program (CCP) to address critical issues of isolation and loneliness. With 7 in 10 older LGBTQI+ adults aging solo, the program’s impact is significant. CCP pairs trained volunteers with older adults to provide companionship and foster connections within the LGBTQI+ community. In addition to emotional support, CCP offers limited transportation

In 2004, Southern Arizona’s LGBTQI+ community saw the inception of a remarkable initiative, Senior Pride, under the esteemed LGBTQ community center, Wingspan. This pivotal program was crafted specifically to address the unique needs of older LGBTQI+ adults, a demographic often sidelined by mainstream services. The closure of Wingspan in 2014 could have spelled the end for this invaluable initiative. However, a group of devoted volunteers, brimming with resilience and determination, ensured its continuation. They seamlessly transitioned the program under the fiscal sponsorship of the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF), thus rejuvenating it as Southern Arizona Senior Pride. By 2022, Southern Arizona Senior Pride had attained its 501(c)(3) status, establishing itself as an independent nonprofit poised to serve LGBTQI+ adults aged 55+ along with their younger allies. This shift sparked a broader vision, driving volunteers to expand the program to address emerging and diverse needs within the older LGBTQI+ community. Senior Pride's social programming now flourishes across three primary areas: Arts & Culture: This domain highlights the value and social benefits of artistic expression, celebrating the rich culture and history of the LGBTQI+ community. Social & Learning: To counteract isolation and promote lifelong learning,

and errand services, helping participants attend medical appointments, grocery shopping, and maintain social connections. This multifaceted support promotes independence and enhances the quality of life for many. As Southern Arizona Senior Pride commemorates its 20th anniversary, it exemplifies the strength of community. Looking forward, Senior Pride remains unwavering in its mission to celebrate, unite, and support older LGBTQI+ adults, fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community for the future. To learn more about Senior Pride’s Community Cares Program visit our website at: or contact us at: email: phone: (520) 351-2724 Senior Pride Roundtable Discussion Pictured from L to R: Linda Phillips (Board member), Robert Bell (Board Chair), Tom Buchanan (volunteer), Lee Crosby (CCP Coordinator) Photo credit: Deborah Dobson

September/October 2024, Never Too Late | Page 35

Pima Council on Aging

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