go out and play tennis or some other sport. But this morning he wanted to let us know that there had been a real change in his heart. During the Chinese New Year vacation, he had gone out in a gospel team with other men students. It was during that vacation that he had received a real vision o f the lost about him and of his own personal need of a close walk with the Lord that he might be better equipped fo r the task of tak ing the message of salvation to others. Now he was thanking the Lord for the school and for what he was receiving from it. Up in the province directly north of us the pastor of a small church is an alumnus of our school. He saw in one of his members the promise of real lead ership, so he encouraged him to attend Hunan Bible Institute. This man, Paul Ke, who is older than most of our •stu dents, arrived with his clothing in a bundle tied to a stick over his shoulder. Although he has not had much formal education, a more earnest and faithful student would be difficult to find. China’s greatest need today is able leaders. Youth is on the march here as everywhere. They are turning away from the past and facing the future with open hands. It is up to us to put into those hands the moral and spiritual tools which will help to mould a stronger church, which in turn will have great influence upon the nation. Biola-in-China stands ready to train Christian leader ship. All indications point to a great school year for 1947-1948. Prayer and sacrificial giving have made possible the re-opening o f Biola-in-China. Let all in terested friends continue their support. The visit of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Presi dent of the Bible Institute of Los An geles, and Mr. James R. Allder, Vice President, in September 1947, gave great encouragement to the work. We are expecting great things from God. A CA LL FOR PRAYER HELPERS Prayer is work; prayer works; prayer leads to work. The most effective work that any man can do is to pray, because prayer moves the arm o f God. Will you be a prayer helper for the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles? Put this great institution on your prayer list. We will gladly send you our monthly Biola World-Wide Prayer Circle letter. Address: Miss Christina J. Braskamp,
A Report on a few of the personalities at the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China
M ANY have heard the inspiring story of our former faculty mem ber who learned English in order to translate the Scofield Correspondence Course into the Chinese language. After this great task was completed, this course became the official Correspondence Course o f the Hunan Bible Institute which through the years has been blessed to untold numbers who wished to study the Word of God, but who for various reasons could not attend the Bible In stitute. Even during the difficult war years, this correspondence work was carried on. Many in occupied China con tinued to send in their examination .pa pers. Some even completed their course and received their diploma and gift Bi ble as a reward for faithful study. In 1940 Mr. Chen Chi Kuei (translator of the course) was suddenly stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage, while leading morning prayers in the school, and in a short time went in to see the King, whom he loved so well. His widow was left with five small children. She was almost beside herself. How could she carry on where her husband had left off? Although she had a good back ground o f Bible School training, and was a real student of the Word, she felt the task too great for her. It. took many quiet talks and much sympathy and en couragement to enable her to come to the place where she was willing to say, “ Here am I, Lord, use me.” Now with God’s help, she is doing a noble piece of work. When the war reached Changsha, she and her family had to flee. Many a day they were without shelter and proper food. While away from home and friends, among other fiery trials, the death o f one of her children occurred. But God sustained her, and when peace finally came, and the family was able to return to Changsha, despite physical weakness brought on by things which she had suffered. Mrs. Chen Chi Kuei plunged right in with renewed vigor to make the Scofield Course a power and a blessing throughout China. Transportation dif ficulties, civil war, and inflation made it impossible for many who would like to attend our school to do so, but they are availing themselves of this home study course. Each week new members are added to our lists. Pray for Mrs. Chen Chi Kuei. There has been, a great im provement in her physical condition, but she is carrying a heavy load. For thirty-nine years, the China In land Mission at Changsha has conducted a home and school for blind girls. Throughout the years, some who desired more intensive study of the Word have come to the Hunan Bible Institute. These Page Ten
have been outstanding students. This last year we had two lovely blind girls, one as a short term Bible School Course, and one as a full time student. In the classroom, they were always the first to answer the questions. One often found it necessary, to ask them not to answer in order to-give others a chance! All
Mrs. Chen Chi Kuei, Director of Scofield Bible Course at HBI of their note-taking was by the Braille method. Unless one observed their read ing by passing their finger tips rapidly back and forth over a large page of their Braille Bibles, he would not know that they were not reading with their eyes. Many a time they have read more ac curately and faster than the others. These girls are a constant inspiration to both students and faculty. Our students share with the faculty the responsibility o f school prayers each morning. As they lead for the first time, they are extremely nervous. However, one morning, the leader, Chang Tan Hsien, one o f our Seminary boys, did not show the usual timidity, but instead his face was fairly beaming, and he gave the most joyful testimony. He told us how he had come to school in the fall with very little interest. Each day
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