the great antagonist of the “man of sin,” but this northern dictator will be con quered by the Antichrist. Literally scores of quotations from current newspapers and periodicals might be cited to illustrate the blas phemous defiance of God in Russia today. For the past score of years, the leaders of the Soviet Union have been ceaselessly endeavoring to make their country abso lutely anti-God. Their philosophy is that “ religion is the opiate of the people,” and that no nation can have an ideal government until religion has been' en tirely wiped out. Here is an excerpt from
a proclamation issued before World War I by Lounatcharski, Commissar of Edu cation : We hate Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst ene mies. They preach love to one’s neigh bor and pity, which is contrary to our principle. Christian love is a hindrance to the development of the revolution. Down with love fo r one’s neighbor! What we want is hatred. We must know how to hate, fo r only at this price can we conquer the universe. We have done with kings o f the earth; let us deal now with the kings of the skies. All religions are poison. They intoxicate and deaden the mind, the will, and the conscience. A fight to the death must be declared upon religion. Our task is to destroy all kinds of religion, all kinds of morality. Such a tirade is only a shadow of what is still to come at the time of the events pictured in the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel. For a time during the last great war, when Russia needed so desperately the friendship of the U.S., there was an attempt to whitewash her anti-God atti tude and to pretend that in that land there was religious freedom. But servants of God who tried to do missionary work there found the same old anti-Christian spirit, only intensified by Russia’s, recent dealings with other countries. Thp Soviet Union has always been against God, but at the time of the ful fillment o f this prophecy, it will form a diabolical expedition to wipe from the face of the earth every last vestige of the worship of God symbolized first by the Jewish people, and then by their Prom ised Land, with its capital city of Jerusa lem. Therefore, judgment swift and com plete will come upon Gog and all his hordes, because our all-powerful God will Himself defend His name, His people, and His chosen city. He will bring ir revocable doom upon all who oppose Him in that day. The Nations in This Northern Confederacy We have in verses 5 and 6 of this chapter a God-given list of the allies of Russia at the time o f the expedition of death upon the land of Israel: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and hel m et: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quar ters, and all his bands: and many peo ple with thee. These are the countries which will be aligned with Russia and her prince at the time of the end. Persia is one of them. We need to re member that, when Ezekiel wrote these words, Persia was just about to reach world supremacy. Then, after ruling the world for a time, Persia was conquered by Greece, which in turn was subdued by the mighty legions of imperial Rome. Notwithstanding the fact that Persia has been a weak, helpless country from that time, she has continued to exist as a nation down to the present hour, now known as Iran. Iran came to the world’s
attention in the late war. All nations of the world, but especially Russia, look greedily upon her vast oil supplies. This country, then, is to be an ally of Russia. Ethiopia and Libya will be in this con federacy. Some Bible students have found no little difficulty in seeing Ethi opia as an ally of the confederacy of the north. But, without attempting to enter into any dispute, let me remind you of the amazing rapidity of the movement of events today. Who would have thought before the war of the recent changes in the map of Europe and Asia? God’s in fallible Word declares that, at the time of this invasion of Israel’s land, they will be followers of Gog, which does not seem unreasonable in view of the way the long arm of Russia is reaching out to grab every good thing in sight. Perhaps a ray of light can be thrown on this situation when we read in the eleventh chapter of Daniel that the Ro man prince will be forced into an expedi tion against “ the king of the south,” or Egypt, and will eventually clash with the monster-army of “ the king o f the north.” The fate of these two countries may well be the cause o f this coming conflict. Gomer is Germany. In Genesis 10:2,3 we read that Gomer was the grandson of Noah, and the-son of Japheth; and that Togarmah was a son o f Gomer. The three sons of Gomer settled to the north of the Black Sea, which was then called “ Gomeria,” and later “ Cimmeria,” and still later “ Crimea.” Other descendants of Gomer were said to have traveled along the Danube, settling in the land which is now Germany. According to some authorities, their land was first called “ The Land of Gomer,” or “ Gomer- land,” from which the word “ Germany” came. Webster’s dictionary says that the descendants of “ Gomer” are the equiv alent of the “ Gimirrai,” who are the Germans. You might ask almost any Jewish rabbi about this term, and he would most assuredly tell you that Gomer represents the Germans. Further more, almost all Biblical scholars seem to be agreed that this is the correct meaning of this term. Russia—The Leader of This Northern Confederacy We need only glance at this prophecy again to see that it is “ Gog, the prince of Rosh,” and not Gomer, who will take the lead in these events. This would have seemed strange to us today in view of the two world wars which are said to have been started by Ger many were it not for the attempt at world domination Russia is now making. In his Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler openly charged that never could the German people have anything to do with the Russian murderers. An alliance was unthinkable. To quote a sentence from that book: “ Stalin and his associates are common, blood-stained criminals, the scum o f humanity, with whom under no circumstances should Germany ever make a treaty.” But the world was (Continued on Page 16) T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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