King's Business - 1948-01

land, June 28th is still in the British Isles visiting relatives. She expects to obtain passage shortly for the rest of her voyage.” Jean addressed many groups at Biola and vicinity; great blessing followed her messages. We will not forget to pray for this earnest mes­ senger of the gospel. Like the Apostle Paul, she has suffered many things for the gospel’s sake. Henry and Marguerite Goodner-Owen ’33, and their two children have re­ turned to their work under the China Inland Mission. Conditions have changed vastly since their prolonged furlough in America, and chaos is a mild word to describe the economic situation. Political conditions are a cause for serious con­ cern, but all of these factors have not altered the basic spiritual needs of the Chinese people. The Owens’ immediate work will be at Kunming, Yunnan, China. Geraldine Hinote ’33, who has worked for many years under the Sudan Inte­ rior Mission at Abaiyat via Melut, A. E. Sudan, Africa, is another of our Biola Family Circle from whom no word was received in many months. Now Geraldine tells of their urgent need of a doctor, airplane, pilot and two-way communi­ cating sets, but the Government has permitted them to remain even though these needs have not been met. There is great rejoicing over the recent news that a physician is on his way to this needy field. Lois Briggs ’33, a registered nurse, is very busy at the clinic where the natives come from great distances for medical help. The patients at this clinic get the gospel message, and Lois asks that Family Circle friends pray that there may be fruitage for the Lord. Gordon and Lorraine Titus ’46 report a busy season spent in DVBS work in the Mount Shasta District under the di­ rection of the American Sunday School Union. They conducted 16 two-week ses­ sions in Northern California, assisting Evangelist Noble Crawford ’46, em­ ployed by the Fuller Foundation. They also held awakening services on the streets, where the gospel was given to many who would never enter a church building. These workers are weary of body, but are rejoicing in the privilege o f active service for the Lord. Asleep in Jesus Paul ’41 and Mrs. Tibbetts have the heartfelt sympathies* of Biola Family Circle in the loss of their beloved little Patricia Ann on October 22nd. This precious little one came into this world on April 9th, 1945, with a weak heart; her short life was one of much suffering for her and anxiety for her parents. She was moved to the Stanford Lane Hospital in San Francisco where every­ thing that medical science could devise was done for her but to no avail. The little body was laid away in Fresno, California, where Paul is the pastor of an Independent church. There is comfort in the fact that she is

period this past summer, during which he worked for two months under the supervision of the American Sunday School Union in needy areas of Califor­ nia and Nevada. It was a fruitful labor o f love; a number of children were lead to a definite decision for the Lord. Everett E. Bachelder ’36 writes a modern “ Acts o f the Apostles” in de­ scribing a thousand-mile boat and sled trip through the Yukon and Bering Sea area to Nome, Alaska. Perils on land and on sea, feet frozen into fur boots, days with nothing but frozen food were daily experiences but the joy of the Lord in being used of God in hundreds of places was sufficient compensation for the sufferings. Pray for this dear broth­ er, who has been disowned by his own family' for the preaching of the gospel. The Brethren Missionary Herald notes the call of the Lord extended to Albert W. and Mrs. Kliewer (Roberta Mulkins), both of the class of ’44, to work among the Spanish-speaking people in Taos, N. Mex. Although he did not know of the work to which he would be called, Albert was lead to study Greek, Hebrew and Spanish, all of which fits him well for service in this new field. The Kliewers’ address is Box 1531, Taos, N. Mex. Mrs. K. F. M. Cleaves ’27, ’30, 349 E. Edgeware Rd., Los Angeles 26, for many years evangelist for the W.C.T.U., is still writing poems and choruses and setting them to music of her own com­ position. For years Mrs. Cleaves used her fine soprano voice to the glory of God in institutional work. “ Africa through a windshield,” is the opening phrase of a most interesting letter from George ’39 and Helen Kevor­ kian, who are serving the Lord in Katwa-Butembo, Congo Beige, Africa, under the Conservative Baptist Mission. Life in Algiers combines the ancient and modern; one may see turbaned Arabs in long robes, Berbers and Mohammedans; women, veiled and unveiled, sitting side by side on modern street cars; up-to-date motor cars traveling companions with tiny donkey-carts. There are several mis­ sions in Algiers, a most beautiful city on hillside terraces. Desert towns are walled for protection from periodical sand­ storms. World Conquest, published in Toronto, Canada, states: “Jean Buchan [’39 and ’47] who left for India, by way of Eng-

“ Thy kingdom is an- everlasting king­ dom, and thy dominion endureth through­ out all generations” (Psa. 145:13). “ China bound! Have you ever prayed and worked toward, a certain end, and then been staggered when the answer came? That is about the way we feel.” Thus write Dick and Lucille Falconer- Wehster ’40, who with their little Donnie are booked to sail on the S.S. Marine Adder for service under the China In­ land Mission. A farewell reception for them was given by the University Bible League, 2620 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, where Lucille in 1942 secured her Bach­ elor of Arts degree. Following their marriage, the Websters spent three years at Faith Theological Seminary, taking a special course in Chinese lan­ guage, history and geography. They are to be stationed in the language school at Anking, Anhwei Province, China. Or­ dinary mail to China is very slow, so they recommend the ten-cent air letter, information about which may be ob­ tained from your postman. Regular air mail is 25c per half ounce. William ’41 and Eunice Cochran- Heath are praising God for His faithful­ ness in making possible another building for their expanding Sunday school at Baldwin Park, Calif. Five of the young people of Mr. Heath’s church are en­ rolled as students at Biola. It may not be generally known that for a number of years Bill has given the first Friday of each month to the ministry o f lead­ ing the Church of the Open Door Day of Prayer. His prayer period has been de­ voted to praying for the Youth move­ ment, and for the unreached and un­ churched families living in the out-of- the-way places. This has broadened Bill’s own vision until he himself felt called to ask his church for an additional vacation Page Fourteen

“ Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast.”

The Webster Family

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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