King's Business - 1948-01

L overs S hould H ave H oly P urposes D an . 1:8 God has planned that the home is to be the sweetest unit in society. The time of courtship is a time of planning, and the plans should visualize profitable and godly living in a home where the Word of God will be honored and the people of God will be welcomed. The cocktail, which leads so often to drunk­ enness, and cards, which often lead to gambling, should not be allowed in ' the home. There should be delightful social occasions when Christian hearts enjoy fellowship in Christ and the unsaved learn the gospel. Prayer and praise will fill the home with the fragrance of heaven. L ove I s the S ecret of E nduring 1 C or . 13:7 As long as human hearts are what they are, there will be a divergence of opinion and a difference of desire. Men’s likes are not the same as women’s. Men live in a different environment from women. Their interests cannot help but be divergent. This calls for an ad­ justment which only true love can ac­ complish. There must be a laying aside of one’s personal desires and ambitions for the benefit and blessing of the other; there must be a division of time which love arranges harmoniously. L ove I s the S ecret of S atisfaction E zek . 24:16 Evidently Mrs. Ezekiel was the ideal wife. God said about her that she was “ the desire of thine eyes.” Ezekiel loved to look upon her. She satisfied the craving of his heart for sweet compan­ ionship. This is the way it should be. There is no substitute in this world for loving fellowship. Honor, wealth, power and position do not bring to the heart that sweet contentment which the com­ panionship of true love brings. When it is present, it affects the whole life. It makes the burdens lighter and the sor­ rows easier to bear. Each one should look to God for the right companion who will bring satisfaction to the heart.

L overs S hould H ave G odly D esires 1 P et . 3:7 If courtship produces no more than a desire for personal gratification, then the union is certainly not a subject for God’s blessing and probably it will not reach a successful culmination. The union of two. hearts and lives involves much more than a few moments of satis­ faction. These two lives are linked to­ gether for every day and every month and every year until death. When the grace of God and the love of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit are encouraged and promoted in the days of courtship, then there is a union of minds and hearts which promises a happy married life filled with the joy which God intends that His children shall have. D URING courtship, each lover puts his best foot forward. Virtues are magnified and faults minimized. Two people cannot really know each other until after they have lived together a while. Even though their hearts are honest, they cannot help concealing un­ favorable things about themselves which they do not wish to expose to the other. There is no remedy for it except that they continue to be perfectly honest with each other before marriage so that the surprises and disappointments will be as few as possible. This will lead to a happier married life. L ove Is the S ecret of S uccess E ph . 5:28 When people are really in love, they continue to find new beauties and new virtues in those to whom they are joined for life. Love seeks for virtues and magnifies them; love minimizes defects and ignores them. Love plans ways and means for enjoyment in the company of the lover. Love avoids those situa­ tions which would hurt the other or hinder sweet fellowship in the home. Love esteems the other better and more worthy of favor and attention than himself. Love is the answer to domestic troubles. L ove I s the S ecret of P lanning 1 T hess . 5:15 Marriage is a partnership in which each partner has equal rights although the wife is subject to her husband. When each has a fair mind and a lov­ ing heart, then the planning will be mutually satisfactory. Love will lead each one to design the happiness of the other. Love will cook meals to suit the lover’s taste; love will plan the spending of the money to suit the sweet­ heart’s desires. Love will plan the time so that it may be spent in the pursuits that both enjoy.

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February 15, 1948

"FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE" G en . 2:21-24; P rov . 19:14; E fh . 5:22-33

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