King's Business - 1948-01

ivorce prings from ocial D ifferences J as . 2 :3 , 4

" I t i s N o t h i n g t o Y o u ? "

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f i H o you know . . . • That 6,000,000 Jews have died in 15 years without Christ? • That Palestine is about to flame with war? • lhat 1 U , U U U , U U U

There are cases in which one whose social standing was high has married one who was far below him in social status. The devotion is admirable but often tragic results follow. The sweet­ est relationships are formed when those marry who are on the same spiritual, social and economic level. Where such is not the case, a separation often fol­ lows. One cannot live up to the other; the other does not want to live down to his companion. D ivorce S prings from R eligious Many divorces are caused by differ­ ences in religious views. The Catholic and the Protestant who are strong in their beliefs will find it practically im­ possible to live together. I f they are ac­ tive in their religions the Protestant and the Jew, or the Catholic and the Jew, will constantly clash if married. The worldling and the spiritual person cannot- possibly have a happy union. These differences are a very prolific cause of divorce. Christians should mar­ ry Christians only. D ifferences A cts 18:1-3

Jews know not whither to 5.arryA- ironside,


Hyman J. Appal- man, President lliril • THE NEED IS GREAT! t y

Chairman, Board





Will you invest in souls for eternity? Write AMER ICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEW ISH EVANGELISM Incorporated H Y M A N J. APPELMAN. Pres. W inona Lake, Indiana HARRY A. IRONSIDE. Chairman

mat's ftmeto STARVS? Can you imagine the slow agonizing torment, the deadening, creeping despair? Today, hunger stalksmillions and robs them of strength, faith, hope. Spir­ itual hunger is just as devastat­ ing. During the present world’s greatest Bible shortage, men are crying out for light and for the Bread of Life. The American Tract Society is dedicated to supply this spiritual need. Partners in a World -w ide M ission

Plan to attend the Torrey Memorial Conference. See back cover.

Something to sing about

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life.” The American Tract Society believes this message must be taken to the Whole World. ATS now sends Bibles, tracts and literature to Latin America and its millions, China and its one-fourth of mankind, India’s 400 million, Africa’s 150 million. YOU are urged to become a partner with us in this worldwide ministry. How YOU Can Help in This Emergency The American Tract Society uses the gifts of its friends in the economic and efficient distribution of the printed Gospel. These gifts help greatly in meeting the present world­ wide spiritual emergency and in providing for "long-range” planning and organizing. Only as God’s people are moved of the Spirit to pray and give can we possibly advance. Ask God earnestly if He has a part for you to play in this vital drama of World Evan­ gelization. Your gifts, whether $1, $5, or more, help send the Gospel to all nations. Use

the brand-new song book that Is a natural for every department of church work where you want enthusiastic singing. Contains 314 old standard hymns, favorite, gospel songs, choruses, and 15 pages of responsive readings. See that your church places its order immediately— and let every­ body sing! VOICE of PRAISE Cloth binding only, round or shaped notes Each (postpaid).......... $0.85 Dozen (postpaid)........ 10.15 Hundred (carriage extra) 75.00 Broadman Press Nashville, Tennessee

coupon to the right today. Further in­ formation free on request.

A M E R I C A N T R A C T S O C IE T Y 21 West 46th Street, New York 19. N. Y. Dept. Kl In New England: 120 Tremont St., Boston 8, Mass. Please send me FREE booklet “Investments Unlimited", and your 1948 general catalogue. I wish to be kept informed about all phases of your work. I enclose my gift $. ________________ □ For Emergency Gospel Use □ For Christian Literature Fund

Write for FREE booklet: "Investments Unlimited."

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