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to thousands more becoming informed concerning the false foundations of this movement.” Yes! “ My heart’s desire and prayer to God for [Adventists] is, that they might be saved.” As in our Lord’s time, and in Paul’s day, many of “ the common people” hear gladly. As for their lead ers, since they cannot gainsay the facts I present regarding Seventh-day Ad ventism, they resort to the device of at tacking my character. Their reports seem strange indeed by the time they reach me. However, the apostle Peter exhorts: “ Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial . . . but rejoice.” James said, “ Count it all joy.” Our Lord Himself commands (and enables): “ Rejoice and be exceeding glad . . . for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” 1William L. Pettingill: Bible Ques tions Answered; enlarged ed.; p. 255. 2 D. M. Canright: Life of Mrs. E. G. White; pp. 156, 167. 3 D. M. Canright: Seventh-day Ad ventism Renounced; pp. 55, 56. Note: This valuable book was long out of print, but an exact reprint of the fourteenth edition has recently been published by B. C. Goodpasture, Caldwell Lane, Nash ville 4, Tennessee. PARSONS’ QUAL ITY SLIDE SERVICE Maker of Dr. Paul Bauman’s entire slide library. Slide maker for Biola 6 years and for missionaries- stationed around the world. There is a reason. All slides glassed (glass washed and polished), bound: all four sides on mask. Numbered, titled, Scripture reference. NEW. Se'e extraordinary set Life of* Christ in color, 79 slides. 9 sets sent to China, one order. Sole maker of this remarkable set. Slides- not on display. Gall JE. 8092 for appointment, or write 3310 Cherokee Ave., South Gate, Calif, THE INDIA MISSION 412 West 8th Street, Elyria, Ohio A Soul-Winning, Bible-Teaching Faith Mission Proving God’s Faithfulness In Hyderabad State and Central Provinces Bible School training native evangelists A fruitful field of the Lord’s provision Write for fuller information " F O R GOD SO LOVED THE W O R LD 99 “ Red or Yellow, Black or W hite, All are precious in His sight” The W orld Christian Tract Society P.O. Box 805, Phoenix, Arizona. Tract Dis tributors wanted all over the WORLD. As you turn the leaves of — V ICTORY C IRCLE MELODIES and MEDITATIONS America*8 New and Unique Chorus Book You’ll relive the inspiration of summer conference days. • 75 favorite melodies • 100 choice quotations from the best known and loved-Bible Conference speakers • Easy-to-read notes À wise investment for the youth of your church. Price per single copy, 35c. Price per hundred, with name of group imprinted, $31.00. Write to MOUNT H ERMON A SSO C IA T ION M O U NT H ERM O N C A LIFO R N IA • Durable, attractive binding • Alphabetical arrangement • Clear type
SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISM (Continued from Page IS) their opponents. Says D. M. Canright: “ As soon as I did leave them . . . they attributed to me all. sorts of evil mo tives, base sins, and ambitious designs. They seem to feel it a sacred duty to blast my reputation and destroy my in fluence, if possible. ‘Apostate’ Vas the epithet all applied to me. I was com pared to Baalam, Korah, Dathan, Abi- ram, Judas, Demas, and a whole list of evil characters. Not onp honest or worthy motive was granted me. The meanest and wickedest reports were cir culated . . . and believed as undoubted truth. But I expected it, for it is the way all are treated who dare to leave them and give a reason. “ During the twenty years now since I left them, they have had spies con stantly on my track, who have watched and reported the least thing I have said or done, to torture it into evil if possible. This they circulate to the ends of the earth, and it comes back to me in news papers and letters. They have issued four publications against me; and Mrs. White, in her last ‘revelation’ has devoted three articles to myself . . . It has been widely reported that I was smitten with a ter rible disease, had broken up my church, had been expelled from the denomina tion! . . '. I am in constant receipt of letters from all parts of the' country saying that the Adventists affirm that I have asked to be taken back among them! They will report it till I die, and long after. This book shall be my an swer.” 3 In his last book,1 published in 1919, at about the time of his death, Mr. Canright inserted a denial of the false rumors alleging that he had confessed, regret over having left the Adventist movement, and that he had repudiated his writings. He declared, “ I expect them to report that I recanted on my deathbed.” (As a matter of fact, this is just what they have done, and are do ing-) Aware of the treatment Adventists accorded Mr. Canright and others who have dared leave them for conscience’s sake, I o f course expected to pay a price when I determined, by the grace of God, to “ come out from among them.” I have not been surprised, therefore, over the “ smear campaign” Adventist leaders are waging against me. Prophecy Monthly for June, 1946, stated: “ Mr. Jones’ refutation of Sev enth-day Adventist teaching, in his book Why You Should Not Be a Seventh-day Adventist, so riled the leaders of that cult that they issued a brochure, devot ing most of the space to smearing him personally and trying to brand him as an ‘apostate.’ He has now brought forth a booklet, The Answer to False Seventh- day Adventism, in which he not only reveals the unprincipled tactics of his attackers, but brings out further facts about the movement, known to him as a former leader o f the sect . . . We hope that the attack on Mr. Jones will lead
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