King's Business - 1948-01

FEBRUARY 8, 1948 WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? J ohn 6 :35 -40 ; C ol . 1:9-20

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Pointers on the Lesson The greatest question that can occupy the attention of man is the one which serves as a title for this lesson: “What think ye of Christ?” Christ first asked it o f the Pharisees (Matt. 22:42). The Spirit of God makes a similar inquiry of every man under the influence of the gospel. The Word of God is full o f defi­ nite answers to the question as to Christ’s real character, so that no one who has access to that Word need to lack the right answer to this momentous interrogation. In the two sections of Scripture assigned for this week’s les­ son, there is a manifold answer. In these portions of Holy Writ, Christ stands forth majestically as the eternal Son of God. Let me suggest an eleven­ fold presentation of our Lord in these passages: C hrist is the S oul ’ s S atisfying P ortion (J ohn 6:35-37) He is the Bread of God (v. 33). Truly bread is the staff of life, and particularly in Palestine and the surrounding coun­ tries. In my travels in those lands, I observed that the common people ate little else. Of course, it is whole wheat bread from coarsely ground flour that they eat, not the super-refined article that is demanded by Americans. What bread is to the physical body, Christ is to the spiritual man. Only those who know Christ are ever truly satisfied; He alone can gratify the hunger and thirst of men’s hearts. C hrist is the O ne W ho C ame D own No other Saviour will meet man’s need. Men are prone to seek for 'an earthly saviour. How foolish this is. They have no power to lift their fellow men above the sin and sorrow of earth. Man was created for a higher destiny. God’s hand reached down from Heaven in the person of His only begotten Son to elevate man up to His side. This pas­ sage tells us that He will even lift men from their graves. Surely this is Omnip­ otence at work—the Lord Jesus Christ. C hrist is the O ne W ho I nspires T rue P raying (C ol . 1:9-13) It was only after Paul himself had come to know Christ in an intimate way, and had learned of the faith in Christ which the Colossians possessed that he was able to pray as he does in this marvelous petition. Note the unselfish­ ness of Paul’s request; observe the bless­ ings he desires for the Colossians and the gratitude that he expresses. It is Jesus alone who teaches men to pray; without Him, prayer is mere empty words. F rom H eaven (J ohn 6:38-40)

C hrist is the O ne W ho is R esponsi ­ ble for M an ’ s R edemption (C ol . 1:14) Slaves were redeemed in Christ’s day. One interested in their freedom would pay a price for them at the auction block, and then liberate them. Men were slaves o f sin. Christ regarded us enough to spill His blood to supply the price suf­ ficient for our liberation from the domin­ ion of Satan (1 Pet. 1:18, 19). This de­ liverance included the forgiveness of sins. C hrist is G od M ade V isible (C ol . 1:15) We have in Christ the very stamp of God the Father (John 14:9). In Christ, the veil of invisibility is removed from the Father so that men can see what He is like. God is like Jesus; He is the very image o f Him, and Jesus is God. C hrist is the O ne P re - eminent A bove all C reation (C ol . 1:15) The word firstborn in the Scriptures relates to position and heirship and not necessarily to the time element. Many in­ stances may be cited to show that the one born first was set aside and the right of the firstborn given to another, ,as in the case of Ishmael and Isaac. As for Christ, He was the firstborn in the sense that Adam and all his race are set aside as unfit to rule the world and Christ, the Lord from heaven, is acknowledged as the Firstborn.


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