FEBRUARY 29, 1948 THE WORLD MISSION OF THE CHURCH R om . 10:8-15; E ph . 3:8-12
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Pointers on the Lesson It is rather strange that the lesson committee in selecting passages of Scrip ture to fit the title for this week’s lesson should, first of all, have chosen a passage pertaining to Israel. Chapters nine through eleven of Romans deal with the problem of the Jewish nation during this dispensation. “Why was Israel set aside?” is the burning question o f this section of Scripture. The answer is to be found in the words, “ That he might have mercy upon all.” In chapter ten, whence a part of our lesson material is taken, God lays upon the Jew all the responsibility for the Jewish situation today. Israel has not accepted and obeyed the gospel. As many among the Jews as will accept the gospel will be saved. However, in spite o f this fact, comparatively few of the sons o f Israel embrace the gospel, and the church at large has been very slow in preaching the gospel to God’s chosen people. This' condition ought not to exist. The Jew, as well as all other people, should have a place on the church’s program o f evangelization. Now in view o f the commission to world evangelism to which the church has been committed there are some things brought forth in our lesson ma terial which demand consideration: T he G ospel is A ccessible to A ll (R om . 10:8) In this instance, the Jew is under con sideration but this is true of the Gentile as well. The gospel has placed righteousness where any soul can reach it. This was not so with regard to the law. The gos pel demands no works for justification. It does not ask man either to bring a Saviour down from heaven, or to raise one from the dead. All of this has been done. All man needs to do is to have faith in the Word which speaks o f the Saviour. And this Word is not far to find. “ The word is nigh thee.” It needs simply to be listened to and received. T he G ospel N eeds to be C onfessed (8 :9 , 10) Inward faith will result in outward confession. Three things need to be con fessed: (1) the Lordship of Jesus, (2) the death o f Jesus, and (3) the resurrec tion of Jesus. A realization of the im portance of these facts will result in the confession o f them before the world. Let us remember what Jesus had to say about failure to confess Him in Matthew 10:33. On the other hand, faithfulness in this regard will result in the confessor’s being honored by Jesus Himself in the presence of the Father. T he G ospel is O ffered to A lt . (8:11-13) Included in these verses is the greatest invitation in the world: greatest from the standpoint o f what is included in the offer, and greatest in its scope. Salvation J A N U A R Y . 1 9 4 8
is offered to both Jew and Gentile. Any individual in the world may place his own name where the “ whosoever” of verse 13 appears, with the assurance that if he calls upon the Lord in faith, he will be saved. It is almost too good to be true and how few realize it! T he G ospel M ust be P ropagated (8:14, 15) Study the four hows in these verses and use them to challenge your scholars to the greatest enterprise in the world, namely, that of having a part in spread ing the gospel the world around. God has done His part in providing salvation at infinite cost; we are accountable to tell the world about it. In conclusion, we have in the second section of our lesron a picture of the true ambassador o f the gospel, Eph. 3:8-12. The character of the ambassador is seen and the nature o f his work is set forth. Helps for the Children T he C hurch A round the W orld (A cts 16 :9 ,10 ; R omans 10:14,15) M emory V erse : “ G o ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Paul, the first great Christian mission ary, was traveling toward a country in which he planned to preach the gospel. During the night, a vision came to him. A man from Macedonia stood before him and said, “ Come over into Macedonia and help us.” Paul knew by this that God wanted him to preach the gospel in Macedonia rather than in the country to which he was traveling. Because Paul obeyed God’s voice, the gospel finally came to England and to America, and that is why today our country is not in heathen darkness. Later, Paul wrote to one of the Chris tian churches about those who had not heard o f the Saviour, “ How . . . shall they call on h'm in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they, preach, except they be sent?” Perhaps some child sitting next to you at school or living next door to you has never heard about the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe you are hoping to be a nreacher or a missionary when you “ grow un.” Can God count upon you now to talk with your friends and your family about Jesus? Perhaps they will not hear the message o f salvation un’ ess you tell them. If He finds you faithful in serving Him now, God will ask you to do great things for Him in later years. Perhaps you will hear a voice saying, “ Come over into . . . [Africa, or India, or China, or Janan] and help u~.” Like Isaiah, you will be ready to answer joyfully, “ Here am I, send me.”
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