“ SIN.” Fold section 2 over 3 and section 5 over 4, leaving “ SIN” on both sides of “ WORSHIP.” Fold half of sections 1 and 6 forward. On these using the “ O,” “ S” and “ I” in “ WORSHIP,” complete the words “ GOD,” “ JESUS,” “ SIN.” Draw a red line around the word “ JESUS” and along the edges of the paper, making a red cross.)
the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Heb. 11:24, 25). Moses has helped many people to re fuse the things of this world and to choose the things which are eternal. By helping people,' Moses has helped the Lord’s cause. God is looking for helpers today, but He wants those who like Abraham and Moses will believe the promises of God, and hold to them until the answer comes. CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural—Artistically Designed Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. L INDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E A N D SEM INARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS Dormitory Housing for Both Married and Single Students Available Immediately Catalog on Request SAN DIEG O II C A LIFO R N IA
ises, and thereby have also been God’s helpers. We read of Abraham, “ By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after re ceive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went” (Heb. 11:8). Abraham’s obedience to God’s call has been helpful to God and the people of all ages. Many are now living who have been willing to obey God and go to the ends of the earth and help Him. The name of the second helper about whom we are to learn today is Moses. Of him it was said, “ By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with
Lesson: We have a paper with lines on it to represent an altar, on which is written the word “ WORSHIP.” The altar was used by the children of Israel as a means of worship. They were com manded to worship God instead of idols (Ex. 20:3-5). Over and over again sin came in to hinder worship. As I fold these flaps over the altar, you will see the word “ SIN.” Now we See “ SIN” in the “ WORSHIP” of God. This is some thing that God never permits. In John 4:24 we read, “ God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Because sin hindered the worship of God, Jesus came into the world to die on the cross. As I fold the flaps forward again, we see a cross and. the word “ JESUS” on it, standing between “ SIN” and “ GOD.” When the.cross of Christ is between our sin and God, then we can worship. Object: A piece of paper 8Vz x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within Vi inch of the middle, leaving a gap of Vz inch. In this space print the word “ HELP ERS.” Open the paper and using the letters in the word “ HELPERS” print the following words, “ ABRAHAM, MOSES, HELP, PEOPLE, BELIEVE, LORD’ S, PROMISES.” ) Lesson: Many people are in need of having someone to help them. It may seem strange, but it is nevertheless true, that God needs helpers. God has much work on earth to be done, and if His servants do not do it, it will be left un done. Looking at this piece of paper we see the word “ HELPERS.” Have you ever wondered what people have done to help the Lord’s work? Perhaps if we open this paper, we shall find out some way in which people can be God’s helpers. We read, “ ABRAHAM, M O S E S , HELP, PEOPLE, BELIEVE, LORD’S, PROMISES.” Two men are named who have helped people believe God’s prom- J A N U A R Y , 1 9 4 8 Jan. 25, 1948 H a n d y H e l p e r s
E U R O P E ' S B I BLE F A M I N E We are flooded with letters begging for Bibles and Christian literature in Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Latvian . . . Read these heart-rending appeals: “We plead with you for some Russian hymns and literature.” “We are starved for religious literature.” “The war ruined our land; men and women are crippled, widowed, and children are orphans. Send us at least one Bible in Russian and one in Polish.” “Please send us as much literature as you can and at least a Russian New Testament.” We are doing our best to meet the challenge. Help us give the Scriptures to the Slavic people in their own tongue. Read letters from Russian Christians in our maga zine, THE FRIEND OF RUSSIANS. Let us send you a sample free, or send a subscrip tion. Write today.
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