Physical Therapy Services Inc.
How Neck Pain Can Go to Your Head
It’s the end of the day and your head is pounding and your neck is aching. Was it the work you were doing? Was it the stress or the way you were sitting? Your neck is an intricate structure with hundreds of muscles and nerves. The joints in your neck provide movement, while the discs in between the bones give support and shock absorption. In today’s world of sitting for long periods at work, being on your computer and at home watching TV, your neck muscles, joints and nerves can become strained and irritated. The fact is that even the simplest movements can cause short periods of neck pain. Yet some of us may actually be experiencing chronic neck pain. Simple, repetitive movements can lead to prolonged muscle tightness, which can take time to show symptoms. In comparison, muscle strains happen with quick jolts such as an injury or lifting something too heavy. Headaches can stem from tightness in the neck muscles at the back of the neck, which is brought about by a forward-head posture and rounded back. This is very common if you work at a computer or sit a lot. In this position the spine is strained. Try to stand up tall with your back against a wall. How far away from the wall is the back of your head? If you have a forward head posture, your head will be quite far from the wall. The forward head position puts a strain on the neck muscles resulting in general muscle tension in the head.This can affect blood flow to the scalp, resulting in a headache. Pain can be referred from the neck to behind the eyes or forehead and even onesidedheadachesaroundthetemples.Poundingheadaches at the back of the head can be related to neckmuscle tightness and limited movement. Since many headaches stem from problems with neck movement and posture, it is wise that you see a physical therapist. Find out how you can relieve your aching neck and nagging headache for good. Call us today for more information! Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to those aches and pains!
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