Shangri-La Care Assurance Program Program de Shangri-La Care
“Shangri-La Care Assurance Program c’est ene la bible protocol sanitaire ki fine introdir pu nu securiter dan sa period de pandemi la” “Anou fair ene parcour apprentissaz etabli par nou group Shangri-La et anou devlop nou mem comme ban expers pour capav atenir nou Shangri-La Care Assurance Program”
Scheduling transportation & Clock In
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #1 & 2
Review shift pattern and plan for staggered shift arrival schedule. Stay alert on safe distancing guidelines from Authority and prepare coach schedule with reduce seating capacity Ban roster bizin revoir et decal ban shift. Nu bizin tou le temp o couran ban zes barrière ki Autorité in met en place et transpor bizin amene moins dimoune pu respecté distance. Implement staggered shift arrival to manage crowds and maintain safe distancing regulations. Follow effective social distancing if 1.5m or local guidelines to arrange reduced seating capacity in coach. Met en place plusieurs shift pu pena la foule et gard distance. Respecté distance 1.5m ou ban mesures ki Autorité in meté.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #3, 4 & 5
Before boarding transportation vehicles, all colleagues wear protective masks and use provided hand sanitiser. Avan rentre dan transport, tou ban coleg bizin met zot mask ek servi sanitizer ki pu disponible. Drivers of vehicles wear protective masks and disposable gloves while on duty. Ban chofeur transport bizin met zot mask ek le gant kan zot p travail. Safe distance markings placed at bus queueing areas at hotels / dormitory and inside vehicles. Bizin ena ban mark pu gard distance kot nu atan transport dan lotel / dan dortoir ek dan ban transport.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #6 & 7
Transportation vehicles are thoroughly sanitised before and after each use including full interior of vehicles, all door handles, seats and high touch surfaces such as hand-rails, steering wheels, mirrors. Ban transport bizin conpletemen sanitise avan et apré chak trajet, sanitise tou ban poigné la porte, banket ek ban places ki nu tous bocou couma volant, la glace. For additional care, safety amenities including hand sanitising gels available at all entry/ exit touchpoints of the hotel premises and in the vehicles. Pu plis précaution, ban sanitiser pu disponible kot tou points rentré ek sorti dan lotel ek dan transport osi.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #8 & 9
Be ready with all the guidelines and required Declaration Forms for colleagues who are not feeling well and need to stay home or be offered medical assisstance. Bizin ena ban instructions/ procedir et ban form si ene coleg pa senti li bien et li bizin res lakaz ou gagn ene assistance medical. Temperature check for all colleagues at colleague’ entrances prior to entering hotel premises. Logs are kept for 14 days. Pu bizin pren temperatir tou ban coleg kot l’entré avan ki zot rentre dan lacour lotel. Ban record temperatir pu bizin gardé pendan 14 zour.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #10 & 11
Colleagues with temperature above 38 degrees Celsius are advised to stay home and/ or offered medical assisstance. Ban coleg ki zot temperatir plis ki 38 degré bizin res lakaz ou gagn ene assistance medical. Colleagues with temperature above 38 degree Celsius are required to fill out health declaration forms. Ban coleg ki zot temperatir plis ki 38 degré pu bizin rempli form declaration la santé.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #12, 13 & 14
Colleagues should wear masks when entering the hotel premises. Ban coleg bizin met mask kan zot rentre dan lotel. Masks should be replaced every 4 hours or when contaminated. Zot bizin sanz zot mask apre sak 4hr temp ou kan li fine contaminé. Masks will be provided to the colleagues by the hotel. Lotel pu fair provision mask pu ban coleg.
Split teams and Work From Home arrangement
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Split Teams & Work from Home Arrangements # 15, 16, 17 & 18
Be ready with Split Team Structure in each department with detailed guidelines. Pu bizin ena ene structure ek so ban instruction pu ki chak departmen kapav plan roster zot lekip avek moins employé. Be ready with Work from Home guidelines in each department. Pu bizin ena ban procedir pu ban departmen kan p travail depi lakaz.
Implement split-team arrangements to avoid cross contamination. Met en place roster avek moins dimoune pu evite contamination.
Implement Work from Home arrangements for non- operational colleagues where applicable. Fer ban coleg ki pa dan loperation travail depi lakaz si possible.
Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #19 to 20
Cleaning & sanitizing standards (including laundry of uniform) must be reviewed & updated. Bisin revoir ban normes pu nettoyaz e desinfection (aussi pu lavage ban uniformes). All uniforms must be cleaned & sanitised using the same high standards as guest linen & laundry. Tous uniforms bisin laver e desinfecter servi mem normes ki servi pu lave linges e lessives ban clients.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #21 to 22
High temperature wash & chemical disinfectants are used in laundry process. Bisin servi lavage avec temperatir fort e ossi desinfectants chimiques kan fer lingerie. All uniforms are sanitized using high- steam/heat press. Tous uniforms bisin desinfecter avec vapeur fort/chaleur.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #23 to 24
Safety distancing markers are in place when queuing at uniform collection & deposit point. Bisin ena ban indications pu distance de securite cot pe atane pu pren e depoz uniformes. Social distancing guidelines are respected & guidelines are prepared to restrict capacity in locker rooms. Bisin respekte ban la lois pu distantiation social e bisin prepare ban directives pu limit capacite dan vestieres.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #25 to 26
Capacity limitations are implemented in locker/changing rooms to practice safe distancing as per local regulation. Bisin met en plas ban mesures pu limit capacite den vestiares afin pu respekte distantiation social dapres la lois locale. Contactless sanitisers are provided in the locker/changing rooms & at convenient locations in the heart of the house. Bisin ena desinfectant sans contact/toucher dan vestieres e ossi dan ban plas convenable.
All colleagues are provided with relevant personal protective equipment like: surgical masks, protective gloves & goggles, shoe covers, protective gowns, disposable aprons. Bisin donne tous coleg ban ekipments de protection individual neceser kuma: masks, les gants e lunettes de protection, couvre-chaussures, robes de protection , tablier jetables. Gloves are changed when contaminated or every 2 hours. Food handlers change gloves every 30 minutes or when changing tasks in the kitchen. Zot bisin sanz les gants kan li contaminer ou sak 2hr temps. Ban coleg ki ena certificats food handler bisin sanz zot les gants apre sak 30 minutes ou kan zot p sanz travay dan la cuisine.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #27 to 28
Dining Rooms, Buffet
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Dining Rooms, Buffet #32, 33, 34
Contactless sanitisers provided in the dining rooms and all colleagues wash/sanitise hands before entering dining rooms. Bisin ena sanitizer automatic pres kot la cantine ek ban coleg bisin desinfekter zot la main avan rent dan la cantine Seating capacity and Group size reduced per local regulations. Furniture in the dining room rearranged to maintain safe distance of at least 1.5 metres or based on local regulations. Nou bisin assurer ki nou fine revoir nu structure la table ek chaise par aport a distanciasion social 1.5m ou ceki la loi prevoir Staggered meal timings and extended dining hours to manage crowd flows and practice safe distancing. Nou bisin assurer aussi ki ban ler manger etaler pli tard pour ki tou ban coleg resi manger etant donner ki nou p Pratik distanciasion social dan la cantine
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Dining Rooms, Buffet #35, 36, 37, 38, 39
Queue management at buffets to maintain safe distance. Only one way flow allowed only. Bisin fair la que pour capav pren manger etant donner ki nu bisin maintenir distanciasion social. Kan fini manger nu bisin kit la cantine par ene sel sorti All colleagues wear masks when attending buffet stations. Tou ban coleg ki p pren zot manger a la cantine bisin assurer ki zot met mask kan zot pass cot buffet
Food and beverage items are always covered. Ban manger et boisson bisin bien couvert
Food displayed in single portions, where applicable. Si possib, bisin fair ban peti portion
Flatware provided wrapped / in a roll-up. Ban cuilliere, fourchette ek couteau bisin bien couvert
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Dining Rooms, Buffet #40, 41, 42, 43
Condiments including salt and pepper, sugar and other sauces served in individual packages. Di sel, di poivre ek lezot asaisonment bisin servi individuellement 15-minute gaps for full sanitisation of dining room, buffet and kitchen areas between groups. Nou bisin laiss 15 mins gap pu desinfekter la cantine, buffet ek place preparation kan 1 group fek fini manger
Tables cleaned and sanitised after each use. Tou ban latab bisin desinfekter apre sak service
All shared equipment/surfaces including utensils, crockery, serving trays and table tops sanitised before and after each use. Tou ban equipment ki nou servi dan la cantine, comme ban utensil, plateau entre autres, bizin desinfekter avan ek apre service
Public Area
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Public Area #46, 47
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all heart of house areas included: high-frequent and high-touch areas, like training rooms, shared workspaces, offices, elevator lifts, prayer rooms, resting rooms, recreational areas and colleague housing. Nu bisin nettoye ek dezinfekter ban place ki nu servi souvent, par exemple training room. Nu place travail, lift entre autre High-touch areas including elevator buttons, sign in stations, door handles, handrails, sink faucets , shared equipment cleaned every two hours during peak periods. Ban point ki nu servi souvent, bizin etre dezinfekter sak 2hr temp si ena bocou dimun ki p servi li, comme button lift, machine clocké, poignée la porte, ban ekipment ki nu partazer entre autre
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Public Area #48, 49, 50
Offices disinfected with EPA-listed disinfectants. Tou ban buro bisin etre dezinfekter avek desinfektant lister par “Environmental Protection Agency”
Contactless sanitisers/sanitation stations installed outside all service elevators on every floor, in each functional department and at convenient locations in the heart of house. Bisin ena ban sanitizer automatic en dehor ban lift ek aussi dan tou ban lendroit kot ban coleg passer souvent
Dedicated face mask disposal bins provided at convenient locations in the heart of house. Bisin ena ban dustbin ki dedier zis pu zet mask ki nou pa pu re servi
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Public Area #51, 52, 53
Colleagues to practice safe physical distancing by maintaining 1.5 metres or based on local regulations. Ban coleg bisin pratik distanciasion social de 1.5m ou baser lor la loi local Safe distancing protocols and markings installed in all high-traffic areas. Bisin ena ban marking de distanciasion social kot ban place ki etre visiter souvent par ban coleg
Maximum capacity of four persons or based on local regulations per service elevator will be maintained. Maximum 4 dimun capav rentre dan 1 lift ou nou bisin suivre ceki la loi local dire nou
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Public Area #54
The layout of seating and work areas rearranged to ensure that colleagues are appropriately distancing including locker/ changing rooms, colleague dining room, work desk/stations, training rooms, recreation rooms, resting rooms, and prayer rooms. Nou bisin assurer ki ban place comme vestiaire, la canteen, buro, la sale formasion, place kot ban coleg reposer ek jouer pendant break ek la sale la priere (si applicab) ena 1 bon structure de distanciasion social
Receiving Area
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Receiving Area #55, 56, 57
Colleagues to wear masks, fresh gloves and hair net prior to receipt of every shipment. Coleg ki travail dan loading bay bizin met mask, le gant ek hair net avan recevoir produit Vendors provided with health and safety requirements before accepting goods, including necessary personal protective equipment requirements including gloves and masks. La personne ki p livrer produit aussi bisin suivre protocol sanitaire par exemple met le gant ek masks entre autre Temperature checks at entrance and hand sanitation stations available in all receiving areas. Pu ena prise de temperatir avan fournisser rentre dan lotel ek pu ena hand sanitizer kot loading bay ki bisin etre utilizer par dimun ki p fair livraison
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Receiving Area #58, 59, 60, 61
All supplies to be sanitised using approved sanitisation materials before storage. Bisin desinfekter tou ban item ki fine recevoir avec produit desinfektant approuver avan ki nou gard item la dan store All packaging disinfected before storage. Tou ban emballage bisin desinfekter avan gard dan store All packaging discarded following proper waste management procedures. Bisin suivre procedir “waste management” par aport a l’embalaz ban produit ki nu pu zeter Receiving areas sanitised every 4-6 hours or after key shipment deliveries. Bisin desinfekter loading bay apre sak 4-6hr temps oubien apre ki nu fine recevoir produit
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Training #64, 65, 66
All colleagues trained on use and disposal of personal protective equipment, personal health and hygiene, and enhanced sanitisation standards at work and for personal safety outside of work. Tou ban coleg bisin suivre formation lor utilization de ban equipment protocol sanitaire dan lieu travail ou a la maison All colleagues trained on COVID-19 safety and sanitisation protocols. Tou ban coleg bisin suiv formation lor protocol sanitaire COVID-19 Comprehensive training and certification programmes for our teams with frequent guest contact including Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Public Area Department, Hotel Operations and Security. Ban formation plis a profound (avek certificasion) bisin etre dispenser a ban front liner
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Training #67, 68, 69
All Housekeeping colleagues, including casual workers and part timers are trained and certified on the compliance standards training co-developed with Diversey. Tou ban coleg Housekeeping incluant ban ceki travail a temp partiel, bisin suivre formasion et etre certifier par Diversey All hotel food handlers retrained on food safety policies prior to returning to work and ongoing. Tou ban coleg ki travail dan ban section manger ou ban food handler bisin suivre formasion lor protocol alimentaire avan rentre travail All club and amenity center colleagues retrained on Shangri-La Food Safety guidelines and new food and beverage safety standards. Tou ban coleg ki travail dan Kids Club , Minibar ou mem Centre de Recreasion, bisin suivre formasion lor protocol alimentaire avan rentre travail
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Training #70
Regular Update and Communicate the Pandemic Situation to colleagues. Coleg bisin recevoir ban communication azour lor situation pandemie COVID-19 Reminder of observing all personal Hygiene and Safety guidelines and other relevant policies and procedures. Ban coleg bisin rapel ek observ ban guide lor protocol sanitaire et procedure bien souvent Posters, Tentcards, Reminder leaflets and Electronic Notices are to be updated regularly. Nou bisin assirer ki nou met tou ban poster, brochure ek information digital azour bien souvent
Health & Safety
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Health & Safety and Personal Hygiene Measures # 75, 76
Temperature check for all Colleagues at colleagues’ entrance prior to entering the hotel premises. Logs will be kept for 14 days. Bizin check temperature pou tou ban coleg ki p vin travail avan zot rentre dan lotel. Ban record temperature pou garder pendant 14 zour. Colleagues with temperature above 38 degrees Celcius are required to fill out health declaration forms and are advised to stay home. Ban coleg avek temperature plis ki 38 degree bisin rempli ene health declaration form e zot bisin rest la caz
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Health & Safety and Personal Hygiene Measures # 80, 81
The use of shared food and beverage equipment in heart of house pantries (e,g shared coffee cups) discontinued or reduced to a minimum. Pa bisin tire tasse dan la cantine. Colleagues are advised to bring their own reusable cups or mugs to use. Svp amen zot propre tasse pou zot capav servi.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Health & Safety and Personal Hygiene Measures # 82, 83
All colleagues while on duty wear necessary personal protective equipment, replaced frequently, per operational guidelines. Tou ban coleg ki p travail bisin servi équipement de protection individuelle Safe physical distancing of 1.5 metres or based on local regulations maintained throughout hotel in front and heart of house areas. Bisin maintenir distanciation social de 1.5 metres.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Health & Safety and Personal Hygiene Measures # 84, 85
Physical layouts of seating areas and other shared spaces reconfigured to maintain safe distancing. Pou zot proper securite, pou restructure ban siege pou maintenir distanciation social. Capacity/ seating reduction in place for all key areas as per local regulations Bisin limite le nombre de siege dan certain place.
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