All colleagues are provided with relevant personal protective equipment like: surgical masks, protective gloves & goggles, shoe covers, protective gowns, disposable aprons. Bisin donne tous coleg ban ekipments de protection individual neceser kuma: masks, les gants e lunettes de protection, couvre-chaussures, robes de protection , tablier jetables. Gloves are changed when contaminated or every 2 hours. Food handlers change gloves every 30 minutes or when changing tasks in the kitchen. Zot bisin sanz les gants kan li contaminer ou sak 2hr temps. Ban coleg ki ena certificats food handler bisin sanz zot les gants apre sak 30 minutes ou kan zot p sanz travay dan la cuisine.
Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Uniforms, Locker Rooms, PPE #27 to 28
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