Shangri-La Care Standards - Heart of the house

Shangri-La Care Assurance Standard (Heart of House) Scheduling, Transportation, Clock-In #1 & 2

 Review shift pattern and plan for staggered shift arrival schedule. Stay alert on safe distancing guidelines from Authority and prepare coach schedule with reduce seating capacity  Ban roster bizin revoir et decal ban shift. Nu bizin tou le temp o couran ban zes barrière ki Autorité in met en place et transpor bizin amene moins dimoune pu respecté distance.  Implement staggered shift arrival to manage crowds and maintain safe distancing regulations. Follow effective social distancing if 1.5m or local guidelines to arrange reduced seating capacity in coach.  Met en place plusieurs shift pu pena la foule et gard distance. Respecté distance 1.5m ou ban mesures ki Autorité in meté.

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