Avenues: How Posture Affects Back & Neck Pain

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I recently took my family tent camping in the Snowy Range at10,000feetofelevation. Iamsuremanyofyouhavebeen there before, as have I, but each time I go, I stand amazed at the beautiful scenery. When we first saw Medicine Bow Peak, my children (ages 4 and 6) asked immediately if it is taller than Mt. Everest. My son said his favorite thing about the trip was gathering wood to build a fire. He also said he likedfalling intoBrooklynLakewhenadogcamerunningout of the woods and none of us knew for sure what it was for a splitsecond. Mydaughter’sfavoritememorywassleeping ina tentandhikingdowntothe lake,wherewesawthefootprintof amooseaswellasapileofmoosescat. Speakingofmoose, one came through our campsite the first night at about 1 AM. It was so close to our tent I could hear it breathing and munching on some nearby grass but no one else woke up. When I made some noise with my sleeping bag, it ran off. I promptly unzipped the tent door part way and just barely caughtaglimpseof it inthemoonlightas itdisappearedover ahill. Surprisingly, itcameback through thesiteabouta1/2 hour later, but it left promptly when my daughter rolled over in her sleeping bag. Whenwecamp,mywifeand Ienjoyhikingduringtheday. We attempted to summit Medicine Bow Peak but the kids gave upafterahalf-mile. Wedidmanage,however, toget ina few short hikes with plenty of rest breaks. I hope someday the kids will enjoy hiking as much as I do because being active outdoors makes me feel healthier. Stayingactive iskeytostayinghealthyphysically,mentally,and emotionally. Helpingpeoplebeactivetothebestoftheirability is what I enjoy most about being a PT. The goal of physical

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therapy is to decrease pain through good ole hands on care andexercisesthatfocusonflexibility,strength,endurance,and balance. IfirstencounteredPTwhen Iwasastudentathlete attheUniversityofWyoming. IreceivedtreatmentfromaPT forAchillestendinitisbroughton inpartbyrunningmountain trails. Thankstothetreatmentsandadvice Ireceivedfrommy PT, IwasabletogoontocompetethatCrossCountryseason, and the team even obtained a national ranking. Being active is what I love and maybe in the near future we willsummitMedicineBowPeakasa family for thefirst time. Inthemeantime,October isNationalPhysicalTherapymonth. If you suffer from any pain, we at Avenues PhysicalTherapy Clinicwould lovetohelpyoualleviatethatpainsoyoucanget backtowhatyou lovetodo,whether it ishikingMedicineBow Peak or playing with your children or grandchildren.

Last Month’s Winner: Deanaira “Shae” Preyear


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