D-Tech Rotary Steerable Operations Manual

Operations Manual

Figure 7

Once you begin pumping across the tool, the other status boxes will change from red to green indicating the WITS decoder is looking for downlinks. The WITS software will calculate the RST pressure drop and the piston force of the tool you have in the hole. If the piston force is green, you are producing the necessary force on the pads to steer the well, if the piston force is yellow or red you are below the recommended pressure and flow required to effectively steer the well. This does not mean the tool will not steer, just that the tool is not operating as efficiently as it was set up for. While performing a down link, the WITS Decoder will calculate the safety factor for the down link. The safety factor is the percentage of flow rate above the point at which the tool will be powered down. The safety factor uses the tool type/size, the lowest flow rate during the down link, and the motor bearing loss. THE SAFETY FACTOR SHOULD REMAIN ABOVE 10% FOR ALL DOWN LINKS TO ENSURE THE DOWN LINK WAS RECEIVED BY THE TOOL.

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