Gamecover Seeds Handbook 2016 Email


Adds warmth to maize crops when sown adjacent Variety - Shorty Ideal for driving and winter cover Can make excellent flushing points within maize Excellent replacement for kale Weed control possible Best sown in June or when soil temp is 14 o c Thiram seed treatment 8 kilo / acre unit Dwarf Sorghum


Intermediate Sorghum

Ideal replacement for maize Variety - DP2 Makes excellent controlled driving cover Fully tried and tested Herbicide use possible Best sown in June or when soil temp is 14 o c Thiram seed treatment 10 kilo / acre unit


Giant Sorghum

Good vigour and fast growth Variety - Jumbo Star Tall dense cover ideally used for a windbreak around maize Can reach a height of 5-6ft New variety with greater standing power due to thicker stem Crops can screen guns allowing them to get into position without disturbing the birds Thiram seed treatment 10 kilo / acre unit



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