Gambling Harm Prevention in Sport Review - February 2023


The main aim of this research was to explore the expert views of the Pro Sport Advisory Board on gambling in sport and present guidance on how sports organisations can help prevent harm. EPIC Risk Management collected data from 8 Pro Sport Advisory Board members using an online survey which consisted of 17 closed and open-ended questions. NVivo 12 was used to manage the qualitative data, which was analysed in accordance with the six phases of thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006).

The second aim was to explore gambling in esports and provide some guidance on how esports organisations can address problem gambling. EPIC Risk Management collected data from an esports expert, a member of the Pro Sport Advisory Board, using the same online survey but related to the esports industry; the responses were summarised. The questions were built around identifying the best mechanisms to reduce gambling harm by learning from other player protection initiatives and exploring how best to target those involved in sports in the most impactful way.

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