Gambling Harm Prevention in Sport Review - February 2023

In terms of safer gambling messages, the most effective way to deliver them is by ‘leveraging players and streamers to communicate about safeguarding’ and by ensuring tournaments advertising esports betting are verbally addressing risks and safeguard messaging. Esports teams and tournaments are sponsored by gambling operators and players support gambling messaging through their personal social media channels, streams and jerseys. Therefore, it is essential that players share about safer gambling and the importance of mental health too in order to protect fans. Esports professionals are seen as icons and can also use their voice to reduce stigma attached to gambling addiction. Organisations might be concerned about conflict of interest with commercial partners, but it should be in everyone’s best interest to reduce harm for individuals engaged in esports and all parties should prioritise it across their sectors. The importance of research for decision-making has been expressed as the respondent believes ‘policy will be heavily shaped and influenced by evidence- based frameworks’ . Industry stakeholders should be in charge of funding independent research to investigate and develop best practices. When asked what additional online activities are in need of education and awareness on gambling harms and in-game spending, the respondent stated that there should be more focus on social media and general online-related activities for players, as maintaining healthy habits with all online activities is paramount for health and performance.

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