Abode Trends Mini Brochure

fabulous FINISHES

S t a i n l es s S t ee l

Brushed Ni cke l








Pewt er

Ma t t B l ack

Gr aph i t e

1. Coniq R Single Lever Pull Out AT2119 Chrome, 2. Atlas Monobloc AT2167 Brushed Nickel, 3. Axial Pot Filler AT2078 Stainless Steel, 4. Brompton Monobloc AT3013 Pewter, 5. Althia Single Lever AT1269 Graphite, 6. Tubist Professional AT2133 Matt Black, 7. Coniq S AT2113 Black Nickel, 8 Hex Monobloc AT2179 Black & Brass, 9. Quantic Monobloc AT2182 Brushed Brass, 10. Gosford Monobloc AT1022 Antique Brass, 11. Astbury Single Lever AT3070 Forged Brass, 12. Tubist Single Lever AT2129 Polished Copper, 13. Propure Swan PT1154 Urban Copper, 14. Bayenne Single Lever AT3087 Century Copper

B l ack Ni cke l

B l ack & Br a s s



WE KNOW THAT FINDING A TAP THAT NOT ONLY MATCHES, BUT PERFECTLY COMPLEMENTS YOUR KITCHEN AND ALL OF THE ACCESSORIES WITHIN IT CAN BE CHALLENGING. Tha t ’ s why we a re cons t an t l y upda t i ng our produc t por t f o l i o , so a s we l l a s i n t roduc i ng t he l a t es t i n d i s t i nc t i ve t ap des i gns , we a l so add new f i n i shes a s t rends emer ge . We s t r i ve t o ensure t he per f ec t f i n i sh i ng t ouch ever y t ime wi t h Abode k i t chen t aps and Pron t eau by Abode s t eami ng ho t wa t er t aps . We have 14 beau t i f u l f i n i shes t o choose f rom ac ros s our produc t por t f o l i o .

Brushed Br a s s

For ged Br a s s

An t i que Br a s s




Po l i shed Copper

Cen t ur y Copper

Urban Copper






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